Pregnant again after cs


New Member
Dec 18, 2010
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I've just found out I'm pregnant again 12 mouth after I had my daughter. I had to have her by cs as she was breech. I reckon I'm due mid Aug does anyone know if I'm likely to have another cs.
I'm thrilled by the way:wave:
I've just found out I'm pregnant again 12 mouth after I had my daughter. I had to have her by cs as she was breech. I reckon I'm due mid Aug does anyone know if I'm likely to have another cs.
I'm thrilled by the way:wave:

Congratulations to you! :dance:

Well depends on the reason you had a c-section before to be honest. If a medical reason , that would still hold true for another baby then possibly yes. If not, eg labour just didn't progress or, baby was suddenly in distress causing section, they will mostly offer your the chance to have a VBAC (Vaginal birth after Ceasarian). They will talk to you about this later in pregnancy and , they only let you push fokr so long I believe and try not to induce you fast etc to prevent ruture of past scar, but loads of ladies on here have had sucessfull VBACS after a section baby and found it all good.

I had a medical reason so all my sections were planned, but I would love a shot at a VBAC
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I have had 2 c sections and my midwife has advised 12-18 months for TTC again after c section so you should be fine. Like JJ said if there is a medical reason then likely you will have another but otherwise most Trusts will let you try a VBAC - most hospitals don't like to do Inductions on ladies who have previously had a section, so if you go too far over they will likely book you a section at that stage. I would have loved a VBAC but like JJ there are medical reasons for my sections - last delivery was totally out of my hands.
well i had a section with my first 2 years ago, and hoping to do every thing normal but time will tell x

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