Pregnant again after blighted ovum and very worried :(


New Member
Mar 13, 2014
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After having my first scan at 13 weeks last November I was told that I had a blighted ovum and that the baby stopped growing at 5/6 weeks.

I found out 4 weeks ago that I'm pregnant again and I really want to be excited about it, but im so worried im going to see that empty sack again. To add to this I had some light spotting this week and so my MW has booked me a scan for next week. I will be nearly 8 weeks by then. My first worry is that there will be nothing there again, but Im also worried that at 8 weeks it might be too early to tell? I know that they date you from the first day of your last period, but I know the day we conceived and that puts me at 6 weeks.

I don't really suffer with symptoms, apart from I have been feeling quite dizzy and tired. I have a 3 year old little boy too.

Has anyone gone through something similar - will I see anything at 6 weeks?
Hi Soapberrylane,
I've had scans at seven weeks and on both occasions have seen a sac with heartbeat. Once I was scanned at 6 weeks and they saw a sac and foetal pole, but I had to go back a week later to see the hb.
I haven't had any experience of blighted ovum and unfortunately have no happy ending to pass on, but I've seen plenty of stories from ladies who have had this and gone on to a successful pregnancy, so please try and be positive. Big hugs.

I had a blighted ovum that was found at an early dating scan. The sac continued to grow till eventually I had a managed miscarriage at 11 weeks. I was pregnant again the following month, and like you I was terrified the same would happen. I paid for a private scan at 6 weeks and all was fine. Then had NHS scan at 8 weeks and saw heart beat. I had all the normal scans - 12 and 29?week scans, but also paid for private scans at 16 weeks and 28 weeks. I now have a healthy 3 week old.

Hope all goes well for you.
Thank you for your replies, I'm going for my scan tomorrow and will let you know how I get on.

So went for scan today and it was there little heartbeat as well. So chuffed. We are only 6weeks not 8 so still got 6 weeks to go before im out the woods x
I found out after trying to have a baby for 10 years and in the first year had a miscarriage and now 9 years later I had a blighted ovum pregnancy at 6 weeks I'm so scared it'll take another 10 years to have a baby any input words of advice maybe some stories like mine that can help comfort me what are my chances of being pregnant after that we really want a family of our own I wish you the best of luck

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