I would like to know who is TTC after a loss??


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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I just had my second miscarriage.
First one was at 8 weeks. At 6 weeks I saw my little one and heard the heartbeat. I was so sick all the time and my boobs were killing me when all of a sudden I woke up one morning and all symptoms were gone.

I went to see my doc and ya, the little heartbeat stopped :(
I had to have D&C to remove it and was bleeding for almost 5 weeks. I got my first AF after a week and got pregnant after 2 cycles. I tested positive at 10dpo on Nov 3rd and at 6 weeks I was diagnosed with a Blighted ovum where sac is always empty, measures less that what it should have been, we wait a bit to see if it progressed but stayed the same so I opted to have natural miscarriage and it was the worse ever thing to do!!
I was in pain and cramps always! the sac dropped but I have remaining that need to get out of my uterus so doc told me to take other pills to help me and if in 2 weeks still there he will pull it out.

I will start TTC probably in Feb 08 as doc advices me to rest 2 months. I hope I get pregnant ASAP so that I c 0n still have my baby in 08, that would be either in Dec or Nov 08

Who is currently TTC after a loss and who is waiting to TTC????

we are ttc after my m/c almost 5 months ago at 8/9 weeks.
thhis is our 3rd month
HI there, you case sounds sim to mine...

I have had three altogether but my last too most recently, first was a natural miscarriage tbh it may of even been a chem pregnancy but unsure... I bleed naturally just like a normal AF.

I got preg straight after, however at my 9 week scan i had a blighted ovum aswell and ha da d and c and only bled for a week and got my af 28 days exactly. i waitied for one AF and then started trying so have been trying for 2 cycles now but tbh I know it will happen when its ready...

Tbh the first month of trying i was devestated i wasnt preggo but i dont fel too bad this month id rather not be preggo and know my body is hap[pier to have a healthy preggo then force it and rush it and end up something bad happening again...'

Im hoping i wont be unlucky 4 times...

Oh Sharne!
I am so sorry for your losses. I hope u dont experience a 4th one :pray:

What a crazy thing is a blighted ovum right? I was so shocked when my doc told me what was it.

Anyway, I would like to know what things in TTC are u guys follwing?? Are you baby dancing enough? Have anyone of u tried the Sperm meet egg plan? it says its good for people who miscarried as it helps catch that egg and most of the times in the first try!

For those that dont know what the sperm meets egg plan is, the link to it is:


Apparently 40% of women fall pregnant on their first try of it, but we shall see!
Me2 hun but i guess i just have to get on with it, as hard as it seems :(

I edited y post im tired and made a few mistakes the jist is id rather wait for a happy healthy pregnancy then get one asap and have another loss...

Ill look at that info u supplied!!

P.s im sorry about your loss hun I know how tough it can be

xx :hug:

hiya i'm TTC since my M/C in june.

I lost my LO at 9 1/2 weeks.

I hope there is loads of BFP's in the new year x
Hiya, i had a miscarraige at 6.5 weeks in september and then have just had a chemical pregnancy this month, i dont seem to have a problem conceiving its just afterwards!

Will be TTC again this month and if i have not had a sustainable" pregnancy by end of Feb, my doctor has promised to send me to see a consultant
nw1 said:
Hiya, i had a miscarraige at 6.5 weeks in september and then have just had a chemical pregnancy this month, i dont seem to have a problem conceiving its just afterwards!

Will be TTC again this month and if i have not had a sustainable" pregnancy by end of Feb, my doctor has promised to send me to see a consultant

i really hope you get a BFP thatt stick before then chick. :pray: ing or you
heya girlies!

Im TTC after mc in may. Would of been due boxing day this year :cry:.

I say TTC- i give up now and am just gonna let it happen as and when.

Will be sods law if i go and book my hols and then find out!
we are TTc after losing 4 little ones this year

Going to try the sperm meets egg but cycles are all over the place
I had a missed m/c at 10 weeks at the end of September, the same time as Steelgoddess and nw1 in fact and we're TTC now. This is the 3rd cycle, I was devastated when we didn't get a BFP after the first cycle but I'm actually fairly ok about it at the moment although getting gloomy about how pants the end of this year was as New Year is approaching.

Let's hope 2008 is our year ladies!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I am TTC after two MC's. First one was at 12 weeks last year, and then again at 8 weeks about 6 months ago. We have now been TTC for 4 months. Hoping for a BFP soon as I am so tired of waiting to be a mum.

Good luck to everyone :D
hey! im ttc after missed miscarriage spotted at my 12weeks scan
have been on honeymoon so havent used any contraception but had AF about 10days ago so were trying again this month, think im ovulating about now so gonna have to get down to some bd'ing soon!

i have superlong cycles so will be seeing how im feeling in a fortnight or so, am stocked up with tests but i knew straight away before wen i was pregnant tested really early which is why i suspect i ovulate so early (trying to avoid testing for this at the mo!). if i feel pregnant again i will test otherwise i will try not too, tho with sometimes 6w+ cycles it can be frustarting!!

good luck to u all and lots of love to all u girls who have bee thru the terrible experience of a mc
Good luck guys, hope we all get lucky. I first M/C at 14 wks with twins that stopped growing at 9 wks(D&C), 2nd in Oct at 6 weeks (natural - horrible!) and at 5 wks in Jan - natural - brief horribleness but not bad. Still trying and just having blood test etc at docs so fingers crossed! x
We're TTC after a missed miscarriage - we found out at our 12wk scan but baby had stopped growing (I never know how to phrase that) at about 7 weeks.

We've been TTC since December.

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

I have 3 fantastic children and when my partner decided to try for number 4 i thorght it would again be plain sailing again.

I fell pregnant in august 07, i felt completely awfull! i had morning sickness and was absolutly shattered all the time. The day before my 12 week scan i started spotting. I just knew from that moment that something was wrong. When i got up the next morning, the day of my scan, i noticed that my boobs didnt hurt anymore and i didnt feel sick. I was soo worried.
We had the scan and they said my baby had died at about 6 1/2 weeks. It had died all that time ago and i had no idea. The lady doing the scan said i was to go back in a week just incase my dates were wrong. How they thorght i could have got it wrong by over 5 weeks i'll never know! Anyway, I lost it all the next day. It has been the most traumatic thing i have ever been thrugh.

My partner and i have just started trying again, i came off the pill in feb and think i have just had my first proper AF. So hopefully we wont have to wait to long for that BFP. I am very scared of it all happening again. I have 3 great kids and so dont really need to have anymore kids, but i feel like i just need to have one more. We are both very excited by the whole thing. I try to overlook the fact that i'm worried by m/c again, that may change when i get pg again, who knows!

Heres to trying again!!

Good luck everyone!!

Its lovely to make some new friends xx

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