Pregnancy test, words or lines, am I strange?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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We bought some Digi tests that say 'Not Pregnant' or 'Pregnant' when you test and some that show up with lines. I was telling OH how the Digi's are harsh, they like state the result, whereas with the lines ones you can hold them under different lights when it's a BFN and convince yourself there's a line :lol: he said I was strange, which tests do you prefer?
lol, men they'll never understand :rotfl: .

i have always bought the ones with lines purely because they are cheaper, plus i have always waited until im late enough for quite a strong positive to show so i wasnt squinting.

Althoguh i must say digitals are better for a definate yes or no, but if you dont wait long enough then it could be a false negative and an expensive test wasted, whereas with lines you can get them cheap enough to do loads of tests :D .
I know what you mean reading a line still gives you a bit of hope to cling to, digital ones are soo expensive so you would really need to wait till af was late to be def, i think they should invent a test that tells you the amount in numbers of hcg in your urine

boots are doing 3 for 2 on most pregnancy and ovulation tests just now.
lines - they're more subtle whereas the digital are like that aunt you have who always says "Haven't you got fat.." instead of "aren't you looking well..." if you know what i mean :rotfl:

plus they're cheaper - using the amount of digitals I use a month would cost me a small fortune :wink:
Lines definately - digital ones dont change when you get them out the bin and put them over the lamp!! :oops: :oops:

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