Pregnancy second time round....

Is it me or are the stretching pains really uncomfortable and painful this time? I'm sat here getting a bit upset sometimes because they are so painful. I'm absolutely paranoid that my cervix is acting as a result of the cramps and that it's gonna just give way, which I know is irrational, just afer Damien's birth I dunno when it's gonna start going this time.

Did anyone else get them much much worse with their second pregnancy?
Don't know as I'm further behind than you but I think I'll be following your threads so I know what to expect!

Had more early cramps than I remembered having before but they seem to have died off now.

My 2nd pregnacy was terrible. First one was fine, no problems at all but 2nd time i was constantly in pain, my back hurt, my belly hurt and my hips hurt, I bled and was just very uncomftable all the time. Pregnancy has been much better this time.
the stretching pains do get worst with each pregnancy you have, but mine wernt too bad, the after pains are the worst (sorry)
sami i was same on 2nd and on this one but nothing at all on first baby xxx
agree defo, im onto my 3rd pregnancy and pains seem a lot worse than i can remember with other 2, either that or my memorys gone a bit lol
I totaly agree, I cant remember pregnancy hurting this much. Everytime I stand up it feels like babys going to fall out lol.

This babys alot more active than zack was :?
My pregnancy 2nd time round was fine it was the after pains while feeding that I wasn't in store for apparently they do get worse with each pregnacy
Have had really bad stretching pains this time round, spotting and bad sciatica.
Thanks for your replies girls. The cramping and pain is constant, my SPD has already taken hold (worse than last time) and it's driving me potty already. :roll:

At lest I'm not alone :lol:

im the same hun just posted about this with Kiara it was great this time it sucks. I always thought it would be easier not harder lol.

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