Hi, my ex partner has PCOS and very irregular periods. She went for a check up yesterday due to stomach pains and was told she was pregnant. She was then sent for a scan where she was initially told she was 6 weeks pregnant. The tech then did an internal scan and said she was actually 7w1d. We last slept together unprotected on 18th sept. She had some bleeding on sept 20th (not sure if this was period or implant bleeding and pain now). We then had protected sex on the 29th sept. That was the last time we slept together. She had since told me she slept with someone during November. How accurate are the scans especially as they changed by a week? Is it possible the baby could be mine even though it would then mean she would be 14 weeks pregnant? Is it possible for the weeks to be confused during the scan or for 14 week baby to be developing very slowly and so appears as a 7 week baby? Please help.