pregnancy research, the last trimester, please take part!

i only got to page 3 but im hoping somewhere along the way theres a

No...that's what I was hoping too...i did it all and it was very negative!! :shakehead:
no going to bother with this going by the above
i have more fun things to do like beng sick in the toilet and screaming as collier bounces on my lady bits :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: Ill answer on e qusetion though
I LOVE BEING PREGNANT all the discomort is worth it :D :hug:
sorry to the person who posted this mabye change the questions a bit
I did complete the questionnaire, but found it so very negative!

Yes, I have been having many pregnancy symptoms but I am quite proud of them instead of seeing them as something negative... :think:
I must say i DO feel very negative towards my pregnancy contrary to popular belief, but i like the social aspect of this site!!

I did not answer the questions as when i clicked on the link it did not look at all formal!!
It looks like a very basic questionaire for a dissertation or something. I have to say though, after helping my step-daughter set up her dissertation questionaires and proposals and stuff, this isn;t the best put together questionaire.

Spme of the questions are very bady phrased and not at all clear what you are trying to ask. There is a need to repeat the questions like she has done to ensure that you get accurate results.

I have filled it in because i know how hard it was to get people to do mine years ago when I did my degree, but I;m not sure how 'signifigant' your results will be for the simple reason the questions were often open to interpretation as to what you actually wanted to know!
I haven't had any negative experiences, just a really easy and enjoyable pregnancy. I won't do the questionnaire as it doesn't sound like they want to write a positive dissertation.
Blossom said:
I managed to get through it, but it was a bit like doing a psychometric they are trying to catch you out.

"So, do you really feel like sh*t, or just a little bit sh*t, or not quite as sh*t as you said you felt on the page before?"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It actually makes me feel a lot happier in my pregnancy after that...

Being pregnant isnt that bad! Nowhere near!..

That questionaire basically said... tell everyone how horrible being pregnant is...
Yeah you have some aches, pains ect but nothing that will make us feel completely depressed for the rest of our pregnancy!! :roll:
Hell I went there with the best of intentions but also gave up!

I've PM'ed you though 'cos I figure it's fair enough to make mistakes too.

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