Pregnancy and exams :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2007
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I've been so down lately cos im trying to revise but at the same time, i'm very pregnant now and things are getting more and more difficult and more painful :( i don't have a partner to rely on, only my parents who have their own lives to get on with. Ive been tring to revise every day but as soon as I sit down to it, LO starts kicking me and stuff :( it's supposed to be a lovely thing but I really need to get my grades.

Ahh, sorry for ranting. Just all very stressful at the moment :wall:
aww hun sorry youre feeling like this, wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: i know revision takes a lot of concentration. Hope your little one gives you some time to revise xx
Thank you :hug: I hope she does's getting really tiring!! I just want these exams to be over with :(
Aw your exams will soon be over, you watch, you will be fine. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for both of you xx

aww hun :hug: it will be over soon and will be well worth it
:hug: good luck in ur exams hun. how many hav u got left? u come across like a smart girl so i'm sure u'll do fine. if u dont do so well, u can always re-sit them next year or the year after. when LO kicks u think of it as shes trying to help u or comfort u! :hug:
Thanks so much for the encouragement everyone :)

I just had the physical geography paper this morning and i'm back home now :) I have 14 exams left! I've done around 6 now. This week is really full on, got at least one exam every day :roll:

I'm taking two languages (french and german) and each one is split into 3 papers - reading, writing and listening (and oral but that's only like 10 mins long) so that's already 6 exams to do and then there are three sciences, another geog paper, two more english papers (i've done one already), two design tech papers, and that's just about it.

I guess I have the whole summer to look forward to, a whole summer to relax and then have my baby and love her but I just can't look forward to that stuff yet.
at least u can get ur exams out of the way b4 LO arrives. then u can devote all ur time to her. good luck :hug:
Yup, i'm looking forward to having them over with so I can just be totally devoted to my little girl :)

They'll be over on 22nd june.
You are doing really well Skyla :hug: Concentrating on the revision and getting through so many exams is really hard work. Doing it whilst 30+ weeks pregnant as well is amazing. :clap: Well done.

Just take it a day at a time and try not to look at how many days/exams you have left. Each day you get through is a nearer one to the finish line. Then you can really relax knowing you deserve it after you've put in all the hard work.


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