

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Is anyone taking this still?
I've been very tired and run down and have decided to try taking it to se if the extra vitamins and things will give me a boost, anyone know if this is likely to happen??
I've ahd my blood taken and iron levels are 10.5, they wont let you drop below 10 withoug tablets so i'm borderline but gotta live with it.
I may ask midwive to take my blood again at next appoitnment if i dont feel any better by then.

But for now does anyone think taking these might help? its the only vitamin supplement i can take safely in pregnancy so i pray it might have some affect
I'm still taking mine and also omega 3 i've got the sanatogen ones not too sure if they are doing any good but i've had no problems, iron level fine etc am knackered most of time but think that just part and parcel of being pregnant.. can't hurt if you do take them. hope you feeling better soon :hug: xx
Yep, I take them and intend to do so even after the birth too. Getting as much out of your diet is the best route of course, but the supplements are a great top up, especially as they won't take you anywhere near toxicity levels. (In other words there is no harm)

Boots normally do them on a 3 for 2.


I'm still taking them, and my iron levels have been fine throughout. Don't know if thats thanks to the pregnacare or not.
I will take them whilst breastfeeding too
pregnacare tablets are too big for me to swallow. i always feel like they get stuck in my throat :(

I stopped taking mine for 2 weeks (forgetfulness) and start to feel even more tired, so started taking them again and feeling better already.

I'm still taking mine but for breastfeeding now! :D My iron levels actually went up during my pregnancy which I am sure was due to taking Pregnacare- I had a hb level of 15.1 at 39+6 which is impressive apparently!
I'm still taking mine as well and haven't had a problem with blood. Not sure if this is down to pregnacare or not but I have been trying to eat iron rich foods also to try and avoid anemia (I really want to birth in the birth centre and they wont let you at my hospital if you have suffered with low iron).

Try eating things like leafy green veg, watermelon, chickpeas, wholewheat pasta/rice/bread, cereal, beans and the obvious red meat.

Also vit C helps the body to retain iron so try taking your pregnacare with a glass of orange juice.
I would recommend taking pregnacare with or after a meal, I used to take it in the morning on an empty stomach and then wonder why I felt a bit :puke:

If your haemoglobin is a bit low you might want to try Spatone, it's iron rich water that comes in sachets, you drink it with fruit juice. It tastes a bit like spoons but is definitely better than your iron levels dropping below 10 and having to take these bloody iron tablets that give you black constipation one day and green diarrhoea the next :wall: sorry for tmi :rotfl:
I've not taken any vitamins since first tri. I stopped when I came off the folic acid. My MW said if I was eating a balanced diet then I'd be better getting my vitamin intake from that than in pill form. Also meant to absorb more easily into your system in food form.

So I balance it all out. Red meat for iron (best way to get iron) etc, taken with OJ as vitamin C helps it abosrb. Avoid milk at that time as it inhibits absorption etc.

I've never had any problems and feel fine on my eating habits and diet alone.

The only thing I have taken in third tri is omega 3 supplements for pregnancy to help enhance babys brain development. Meant to be benificial and are intended for PG women so :)
If you do get your midwife to check your iron ask her to check ferritin too - it is basically a sign of your iron stores - my last HB was 10.1 but ferritin was only 8 (should be above 20) so needed supplements - full dose iron rather than the small amount in pregnacare and must admit do feel more energetic and only started them on Monday
I've been taking them for a while now...not sure if they have any affect but I thought the extra vitamins must be doing some good. especially cos I'm not that great at eating enough veg!

My iron levels are ok (around 20 I think) don't know if this is due to pregnacare tho....not sure if it contains iron????? :think:

by the way...I also feel knackered and asumed it's probably just a pregnancy thing!!! :(
I've got tescos version - a lot cheaper yet IDENTICAL 'ingrediants' i tried the just eating a balanced diet thing but i just can't always eat properly (in fact iv not been eating much recently) so at least by taking them i feel better about baby!

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