Pre-Nursury - HELP =[.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Kade is turning 3 in November, and he's due to start pre-nursery sometime after christmas..

Is pre-nursery mandatory? if so when will kade actually start? January?
How many days a week is it usually? and how long for?
do you need to pay for it?

so many questions lol, and i know it probably varies from area to area but we're in SW scotland if that helps!

Thanks everyone xx
I'm in Scotland too and my OH is a nursery and primary school teacher, hopefully I can help you.

I think you mean antepreschool - which is what children can attend when they are 3. They move up to preschool when they are 4. Depending on the school, the 3 and 4 year olds may be in together or they may have a class for 3 year olds and one for 4 year olds (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).

Antepreschool and preschool are NOT mandatory - you do not have to send your child anywhere for education until they are ready to go to Primary 1. In my opinion though, its free, learning through play, teaches excellent social skills and gets them used to a shorter school day, which are all very good things. Also you get some free time to yourself or time to work or whatever.

It'll likely be for 5 mornings or 5 afternoons a week. If he's 3 in November, the next intake will likely be January. If its attached to your local state school, it'll be free - you may need to give a couple of £s a week for snack or the odd £ or so for school trips and if you need any wraparound care or breakfast clubs, these will be charged seperately and you will be advised of these costs.

I think the best thing for you to do, would be to contact the nursery teacher directly. When my OH was in his nursery, he was happy to talk to parents and advise them of the process etc. Or the school office should be able to answer your questions too.

I hope this helps!

Valentine Xxx
Lydia is also going to be starting in January. She's entitled to 15 hours free a week, so is going to be doing three sessions (Mondays, Tuesday, and Thursdays) 1.15pm-6pm

She's absolutely DYING to go. She talks about it all the time, and is looking forward to it so much. I think it will be really nice for her to be around other kids her own age. As much as she loves Alex, she gets bored at home a lot of the time. She has lots of things to do, but she's so sociable that she really wants some friends.

It's not compulsory to send them at that age, no. I guess it depends on the individual child as to whether they are ready to go or not. Lydia definitely is. Alex, well we'll see when the time comes.
DD turned 3 in May and has just started her "grant sessions". This is 2.5 hours a day in term time only. DD has always gone to nursery so what really happens is that I just get the money off my bill but I do think it's a great social for her and gives her a real sense of independence.

You can use as many of the sessions as you want so just choose something that fits in with your lifestyle.
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Im in Ayrshire and jessica has been going to funded nursery since August 2007. She was 3 in June 2007 so was the age to get in. You dont have to send your lo but its very good for them in my opinion.

I sent Jess and Joe to a private nursery which I had to pay for, for 2 sessions a week when they were 2. Joe is there just now (not literally, its 8 at night) as he wont start funded nursery till next August when he will be 3.

Its 5, 2 and a half hour sessions per week.
Did any of this info help you kadesmummy?

Valentine Xxx

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