Pre Ecplamsia panic

Leanne and Andy

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Sorry for bad spelling. lol. I rang the delivery this morning becuase i was in a real flap! I was in the bath last night and as i turned my head from shaving armpits (TMI) lol :lol: I saw lotsa little white firework type lights flashing before my only lasted a few seconds and all in all i felt great but like a i dumbo i googled it and it said get checked asap due to Pre Eclampsia so...i rang delivery suite this morning and they said because it only happened once and such such not to panic but take it easy and avoid moving too quick. I have midwife Wednesday so obv will be getting BP and Pee checked then. Just wondered if anyone else had experianced these lights? And what caused it? Warm bath water? Temp change? Stress (i was upset at the time)? Tiredness? Any ideas lol xx
your blood pressure couldve changed if the bath was hot? Not sure if that would cause it. Or if you turned your head quickly maybe that couldve done it, did you feel dizzy at all with it?
Um i felt a bit light headed after itd happened for a hour or 2 but genrally fine. Quite possibly just a blood to head rush? Or change in temp tho i never have my water hot hot ... very worrying :eh:
I get that the odd time, but have done pre-pg as well. I blame it on moving too quickly :)
Ive never known owt like it lol ... :lol: The lights was so pretty too!!!!!!!!!!!
i had an optical migrain once where i saw a halo of lights in one eye for about 20mins very freaky i had very high bp with dd and id think although everyone diff if it was that you would have had a massive headache prob being in hot bath but always best to check glad your ok x
I have that, its like snow flakes, i just sit and wait for it to pass, usually if I get up too quickly x
I've had this in the bath to - perhaps it is a heat thing x

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