

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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I am really confussed about this not eating prawns.

It says you cant eat raw, well who the feck eats raw prawns? :lol:

And I can also understand not eating ones in restaurants as you dont know how long they have been out.

But surely the frozen ones you get in the packet that are cooked and peeled already are safe? like the ones you get from the supermarket.

I am gagging to make a prawn sandwich :lol: with lots of mayo, I was just going to defrost some and eat them straight away, so where is the risk?

Please put me out of my misery I want fecking prawns! :rotfl:
I think it is just the fact that prawns are a notoriously dodgy food to eat even when you are not pregnant - but if you get food poisoning when pregnant it can be REALLY bad news.

But, from what I gather, if you cook them yourself and ensure they are thoroughly cooked and stored correctly you should be ok?

Don't take my word for it though!
So as they have been cooked already and then frozen, that has killed any bacteria? Thats what I can gather from what I have read.

I wouldnt need to cook them again would I ?

Just defrost them and use them straight away?

I have never had a problem before when doing this, but have always avoided shop sandwiches with prawns in as the risk of food poisoning

Im still confused
Emm I am puzzled to, I would cook them again just to be on the safe side hun.
I use the cold water method, and they are done withing 10 mins or so.
I had another look on the net and the basic thing for prawns (even when not pg) is if they have already been cooked and frozen, defost them with cold water and eat straight away.

You know when they are bad because they smell rank :puke:

I think it will be fine that way

Wahoo prawn sandwich for lunch!
Think its fine if you cook them yourself and make sure they are throughly cooked hun. Thankfully I hate all seafood :wink:
I'm the same - I am totally off fish and seafood at the minute.

In fact leaving this thread now as don't want to think about prawns anymore lol
:rotfl: I love seafood, in fact I want crab any everything :lol:
I ate prawns all the way thorugh my pregnancy!
In fact I ate most seafood, apart from mercury heavy stuff.
Enjoy!! :cheer:
I asked my midwife about this as I'm having prawn cocktail for starters at Christmas dinner. She said as long as they're cooked and been prepared by you/family member you trust there's no problem, so go and gobble up your prawn sandwich (if you haven't already by now!!) :cheer:
yummy prawns.

I too asked my midwife about dos and don'ts of what to eat etc.
Prawns are fine as long as they are well cooked. Defrost them thoroughly using cold water and the fridge - don't leave them standing at room temperature.

I had boiled eggs of toast for my lunch (seeing as i'm not allowed runny eggs anymore) - it was lush. I'm thinking that I want a prawn sandwich now though....
I have eaten prawns throughout my whole well as scallops and other seafood - as have been off meat for months now!

I have eaten them from our local chinese, indian, and also in restaurants, I hate them cold so wouldnt want them in a sandwich etc but as long as they were cooked before hand - then no problem!!

You are absolutely fine eating them, just be a little more wary where you eat them from........
im a big fan of prawn cocktails too, i was told that its not so much as food poisoning its more of the baby being born being allergic to them as they are a common allergy, same as nuts.

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