

Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2006
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Wasn't certain which section to put this in but never mind.

I've set my heart on having a Quinny Buzz (I know they are expensive and have no storage space!) now the question is when did you all buy your prams if you have yet. The dilema is i've seen one in the sale thats a lot cheaper than everywhere else and also has the carry cot and other things included in the price (£350 when the chassis itself is usually about 330 and carry cot 114 everywhere else). Now i'm only 13 weeks and really didn't want to buy anything untill after the 20 week scan but can i risk losing out on this bargin or do i risk waiting till the christmas sales and hope that they have a similar offer on then :wall: .

Thanks for your help.


It may be last seasons stock going cheap before next seasons arrive. Just might be a sale.

Usually you find all sorts on sale at some point somewhere.

If you want to get it now then do so. Some people don't mind buying early, others wait. I didn't get mine till I was 35 weeks :lol: I never bought any of the big stuff before 30 weeks.

I just looked at Quinny prices online. Blimey :shock: they are pricey for a pushchair with no storage in the price. I remember looking at them and that being an issue for me. A few online stores have big savings with pushchair, pram, carseat and cover. Those are the 2008 colours.
the quinny buzz is my dream pram! goddam these money restrictions.
I prefer the Buzz 4 lol! Im not as keen on 3 wheels?! haha
I would guess that you will be able to find that one on sale on and off through the year and different places hun! I mean if you have the money now and the space to store it for all them weeks then get it now but if not try not to worry! Im sure you will get a good deal at other points in the year!! :D :cheer:
Im going for the Mamas & Papas Skate in Grape! :cheer: But wont be getting it until November because of lack of space!
Ive just spent all night on this site:

and now I am totally confused!! I will be buying one as soon as I have made up my mind. I dont seem the harm in being organised, especially if you are getting a good deal and you are sure its the one you want!
HI there

I think it's a personal preference when you decide to get a pram - we got ours a few weeks ago and also looked into the quinny buzz but decided on the mamas and papas luna instead. We also got ours in the sale so I'd say go for it just now while you can get it cheaperx
I am buying the quinny buzz as well and have priced the whole package

pram, carrycot, car seat amd car seat base at £563 at pram world,

however i am waiting until Christmas, this is the '2008 model' i would bet there will be a '2009' and the old model will go for cheap, if you can hang on, put the money in a savings acount and let it earn a little bit of interest. also if you get it now and then you don't use it for a while and there is fault you are going to have a harder job returning a 6 month old pram than a 1 month old.

That's what i'm dong anyway.... :D
I'm getting the quinny buzz package 2 deal from pram world as well but I've ordered mine now. :D
Oh I say go for it, if its what you want and at the right price, then why not??

Im not sure waiting for the Jan sales is an option for me is it, as due 22nd Jan and knowing my luck the baby would arrive before the push chair/car seat etc!!

After reading all your comments I have just given in and been trawling through the various pushchair sites :D ........I really like the new Concord Neo in Krypton, seems to be one of the safest and easiest to use. I would have to go and test one first though, as being 5.11" I need to know Im not going to have to bend down constantly!!!
gracie said:

Wasn't certain which section to put this in but never mind.

I've set my heart on having a Quinny Buzz (I know they are expensive and have no storage space!) now the question is when did you all buy your prams if you have yet. The dilema is i've seen one in the sale thats a lot cheaper than everywhere else and also has the carry cot and other things included in the price (£350 when the chassis itself is usually about 330 and carry cot 114 everywhere else). Now i'm only 13 weeks and really didn't want to buy anything untill after the 20 week scan but can i risk losing out on this bargin or do i risk waiting till the christmas sales and hope that they have a similar offer on then :wall: .

Thanks for your help.


Ooh where did you see it at that price?

I want a Quinny, am going to get mine soon.
We bought the Loola at about 18 weeks - like you we were going to wait until after the scan, but just found a good price. If you see one you like, go for it!!!

If anyone finds the M&P Skate in Grape for less than £525 while looking please tell me!! lol
My mum wanted to buy us ours. She found a nice M&P one in the sale about 2 months or so ago but it seemed very expensive. She asked me to have a look through and I found a nice travel system I liked half price in the sale for £120 (which included car seat, cosytoes, raincover, parasol and changing bag). Neil also approved as it wasn't too showy and had 4 wheels! I didn't want my mum to really buy anything (I have 5 brothers and sisters and the youngest in only 5 months so they have enough pressures) but she is so excited about her first grandchild and money will be tight for us as we only bought our house at Christmas so we now have said pram in our study.

I haven't bought much myself for baby. In the beginning I didn't even want to think about buying things as I was so scared something would go wrong (my mum has a bad obstetric history despite all those children and I had some bleeding early on). I think after the 20 week scan I'll probably start feeling excited and want to buy things. :)

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