Prams - which company is the best


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi, i know it's early for me to be looking at prams (!) but i have been doing a bit of research. :D
I have narrowed it down to 2 companies - Mamas & papas or Silvercross.

Can you please let me know your preference and why. Obviously if we are going to be spending £400+ on a pram, i want to pick the right one!

i have had 3 different mamas and papas and they are not that great not worth the money
i have the mpx 4 in 1 and its all plastic which makes it rattle the build aint so good my twin m&p was crap and fell apart. and my stroller is ok nothing special.
i like quinny
i really love the traditional silver cross prams i like the new ones by them too, but after pushing my mates lil girl in hers i didnt like the feel of the handles n they were uncomfortable when you have to put pressure on.

i also love the look of the mama's n pappas pramettes but haven't heard great reports about them either, but i guess not everyone is goin to agree :)

i had a graco travel system last time which was crap lol have bought a bebe confort loola travel system for this baby so will see how i go with this one

sorry to sound so negative :oops:
I felt the silver cross when I looked at them were just so heavy and bulky, I know it would only be for our walks and I don't have to collapse it once in the house as there is plenty of room in the hallway etc but I just didn't feel comfortable with them. I tried a few in Mamas & Papas and loved them all, lighter weight and extendable handles (I'm tall!) and so forth....ended up with a decision as to what one. Once I'd decided that it was "in what pattern" decision....I do love the one we have the Pilko Pram in Ice.
Personally I didn't like the feel of any of the 2 handle prams but I love the SilverCross Freeway on the Linear frame - we just ordered it at the weekend its lovely to push and turns into front view for when the baby is old enough to want to look out. Also the car seat attaches to the chassis directly.

Hi, thanks for the reviews so far...keep them coming :D

Smurf, we don't like the 2 handled look either, which makes it a bit difficult as there are some lovely prams about but only have the 2 handles!

It really is a toss up between the M&P Ultima 6-in-1, or SC Linear Sleepover :think:

The reviews are really helping though - cheers! :hug:
smurf i LOVE that pram i seen it in toys r us makes me want another baby :oops:
i seen that one in toys r us too. its lovely i would have had that one if it had been out when i had nathan.
i love that bugaboo one but its loads of money i get very jealous when i see someone with one :twisted:
i have a quinny buzz and cant recommend it enough!!!

this is my fourth pram! and i absolutly love it... cant praise it enough..

im tall too (6ft) and its great for me!

it folds small too and its a dream to push, turns around on the spot...

you can get packages on ebay in the region of £400 new, gettin you the frame, pushchair attatchemnt, car seat, carrycot, buzzbox etc...

its well worth its money!
i had a m&p with my 1st baby (but he is now 7) and didnt get on with it at all. i had lots of trouble with it.

so with taylor i went for a silvercross...and loved it. i had the sleepover pram and classic chassis love it. i dont tend to use it much now tho as he loves his buggy!

but i already have my eye on my next pram for when we have another baby!!!! (not for a while yet tho! :cry: getting married first :dance: :cheer: )
We have a Mamas & Papas Pliko Pramette and I absolutely love it. When Charlie was newborn I even managed to colapse and load it into the car with one hand whilst cradling him with the other, its just so light.
I thought I would struggle after the C-Section but it really was light and easy to use but felt robust enough.
The best feature just lately is the fact that I have been able to remove the complete cover and throw it in the washing machine...Charlie had a really bad case of Gastroenteritis recently so vomited a few times all over the chasis and cover!!! :puke:
I really miss it as the pram as it was so cosy for Charlie but he was a long baby so we had to change to the pushchair conversion at about 5 months but he loves it and can still lie nearly flat for a nap. We even used it as the pram in the living room when he was newborn to save carting the moses basket up and down the stairs!!
mdsremos said:
We have a Mamas & Papas Pliko Pramette and I absolutely love it. When Charlie was newborn I even managed to colapse and load it into the car with one hand whilst cradling him with the other, its just so light.
I thought I would struggle after the C-Section but it really was light and easy to use but felt robust enough.
The best feature just lately is the fact that I have been able to remove the complete cover and throw it in the washing machine...Charlie had a really bad case of Gastroenteritis recently so vomited a few times all over the chasis and cover!!! :puke:
I really miss it as the pram as it was so cosy for Charlie but he was a long baby so we had to change to the pushchair conversion at about 5 months but he loves it and can still lie nearly flat for a nap. We even used it as the pram in the living room when he was newborn to save carting the moses basket up and down the stairs!!


We have this one too and i love it COnal is still in the pramette part and it is so cosy for himand also fits inthe boot with my daughter buggy

I actually really like mamas and papas it is expensive but i have never had any problems with them and yu can see and feel the quality of it compared to others Willow cas the buggy(pulse) from them too and you just know it was more expensive because it is so much nicer to pusha nd is more wind proof for her and the mterial isn't cheap

I really hate the quinny zapp i think it's called the one that doesn't recline i think it looks so uncomfortable for the child unless they are an older child, there's nothing worse than seeing a child asleep sat up because the buggy doesn't recliene

Hi Bexter,

We've got the Bugaboo Chameleon having tried out several prams on the market I have to say its the best and I really love it. The suspension is fab- we have heaps of cobbled streets where we live and the pram is a dream to manouvre over them. Its realy easy to fold down and assemble and will fit into most cars and best of all its fairly lightweight too.

If you do buy it, do not get the matching bag - its absolutely rubbish, or the parasol which is crap.


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