potty training


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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I have asked this question before, but now iam despreate :oops:

Sophie will have nothing and i mean nothing to do with the potty at all, the big toilet is a no no aswell. I dunno what to do, i keep her nappy off when she is at home and ask her all the time, but the other night she didnt use the potty or wee on the floor for 5 hrs!! and she drank 2 fruit shots in that time, i was trying my hardest to get her to use the potty and she was stood in her bedroom holding herself cos she was that desprate but would not sit on the potty!!!

In the end i put a nappy on her cos i dont want her hurting herself, she could damage her bladder couldnt she???

Iam desprate now as she starts nursery in sept and they will not accept her in nappys

Please help :cry:
i seen some thing like this on tv before, they told the mummy to go to a shop and let the child choose a potty, and then the toddler used to potty.

i dont know if it will help you, but only advise i could think of.
Some children are scared of the sensation of something falling away from them, like a wee falling into a potty.

You could try sitting her on the potty with her nappy on and from there progress after a few days / a week or so to removing her nappy, but laying it across the top of the potty, so she still sits on it and feels it on her bottom.

Another few days / week later, dip the nappy downwards, so it's not touching her quite so much and from there remove the nappy after another week or so.

If she genuinelydoesn't want to use the potty though, leave it for a week or so and then try again. Pressurising her into using a potty will simply make her more determined not to use it.

Best of luck!

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