Potty training issues help needed before i go mad!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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Hello all hope you're all good, not been on this for ages my newest addition is now 7months old and thriving!
Anyway the problem is with my boy, he is 2 and a half, we started potty training in December and he was doing BRILLIANTLY. Now the last couple of weeks he has gone backwards, doing loads of poos in his pants.... I have tried stickers/sweets/a hand made chart on which he gets a smiley face when he uses the potty or the loo, I even bought him a NooNoo yesterday and told him its a special toy only for big boys who can do their poos on the potty or toilet. However he did two mini pebbles in the potty, so he got to play with it for about five mins, before he did a massive poo in his pants again. i put the toy away and told him it will come back out again when he can use the potty........
I am at my wits end, I didn't lose my temper with him AT ALL cos all the advice says you don't want them making this bad association, however i followed a friends advice a few days ago and put him on the naughty chair after he did it, he was very upset and i felt really bad :( After that his next poo was in the potty (hooray, lots of praise) but then the following one was in the pants again
I just don't know how to handle this, any suggestions would be really most welcome i am pulling my hair out!!! Thanks all...

Dont have much advice its a long process but be patient hun maybe hes just having a bit of a off period and will go back to normal soon :hug:
I know how frusterating it can get at times though!
boys are alot harder! I have a few more months yet, will wait until summer. Any reason there is a rush? he has a good 6 months until nursery? We do a conga to the loo if he does a poo in his potty and he gets a chocolate, but he hates pants, no pressure with a new baby coming. Some kids just grow out of it. my friends boy at nearly 3 just decided he wanted to be like his daddy and went to the toilet from then on.

Does he see you do a poo? What does he think about the poo in his pants? Girls tend to think eww mess where boys just shrug it off. Just try and keep calm. Treats are good but only if you don't give in at other times. :hug: Any tips pass them my way too!
Well he is in nursery, three mornings a week. And he has no accidents there at all!! Weird. This morning i sat him on the potty before 'school' and he did a poo, i made a HUGE fuss, i think i am gonna go back to doing that now. We had gone beyond that where i just kept asking him if he needed to go, but i think until we've cracked this i will just pop him on the potty every so often and see what develops haha ;)
We are flying home to England next week (hurrah) but i am really not looking forward to the plane journey.... can't be doing with stinky pants on an eight hour flight eeeeeuw!

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