Potty Training a 2 Year Old - How Did You Do It?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Caitlins knows what a potty is but is not impressed.

She scratches her bum when shes nappiless and needs a wee :lol: but refuses end of and waits for you not to be paying attention and will just wee :oooo: in nursery they tried and she pees, points and laughs!

Any tips other than super gluing her bum to a potty?
I'd really like to know too...I wasn't planning to potty train Sam until the summer but he refused to let me put his nappy on this morning and kept saying 'I need a wee', so I tried to sit him on the potty but he refused and we ended up with wee all over the floor, twice. Lovely that he knows when he needs to wee and he knows what the potty/toilet is for but it seems he'd prefer not to use it :wall:

Well my carpets dark and the rooms massive so that doesn't match in with some ideas Ive had in the past - It will be a 'you know shes piddled on the foor because your foot is wet' situation :rofl:
:rofl: Luckily we have wooden floor in the lounge with a big brown rug in the middle so easy to clean and no stains :lol: Easy to see the puddles on the wooden bit at least!
Yep Id really prefer wooden floors - Consider carpet again when they have left home LOL!
We started when Meghan was about 20 mths but she was not ready, so we started again about a month ago she knows what it is for and wee's on it alot, but we still have accidents!! more poo ones though! i think when training it's all about being patient easy said then done i know! give lots of praise for even sitting on the potty, sometimes looking away when they are on it helps or put it over the other end of the room and say something like mummy is just going to take the cup or something away you do a wee wee, it worked on meg, we do have to give her a bit of encouragement when it comes to pooing she does more on the floor!!! we've got a wooden floor so it's easy to clean but god for a 2 year old there is sooo much! good luck with it and don't get to stressed it will happen. x
My nephew wouldnt go on a potty so they went stright to the big toilet with a soft seat. He was dry immediately!! I couldnt believe it. he just did it. They got a reward chart to put a sticker on every time he did a wee or poo in the toilet and he was off! They set off to work nursery at 7am and not home till 6.30pm and never an accident!
I think you have probably read how I done Dec a few times by now lol so I will skip that part and come right to now. Dec has been fully trained (day and night) for about 6-7 months now and we had a little problem recently, he seemed to develop a fear of pooping in the toilet, I know this is completely normal but I always thought of it as a problem that would happen when we first started, anyway I started to use a sticker reward chart and he loves it :) we have been using it for about a week or more now and he is almost back to normal, when he needs to poop he will go straight to the bathroom and work away, it has worked so well he even came in from outside playing to poop which is a major break through.

So to cut a long story short I would highly recc. a reward chart, Caitlin is almost the same age as Dec so she will understand it. I would also recc. a potty book, Dec loved to read while he was on the potty/toilet. Also she just may not like the potty, you could try going straight to big toilet. Just take your time hun and let her do it at her pace, she will get there and she is still young xx
Katie asks to go but we've had one little widdle and thats it :lol:

She keeps saying on it 'I've did it Mummy' :rofl: but she hasn't :lol:

What I done with Joe was allocate a weekend or couple of days where you can dedicate loads of time for it, don't plan on going out :) Then put pants on and put her on the potty every hour, once you catch a few they soon catch on amazingly :yay: Then she'll soon tell you as you lengthen the gap between potty visits. It worked for us. I'm trying Easter week as I'll be around and can hopefully dedicate abit of time to it :)

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