Post your daily food intake!!

Yesterday had porridge n syrup for breakkie two scotch eggs for lunch chicken chagrill chips and green beans for tea and jelly and pineapple for supper... Trying to decide what to have for breakfast today hmmm xxx
Great thread. im eating for 8 not 2 haha -

I have had today.

3 weetabix
a coffee with 2 sugars
a salmon sandwich
nik naks
a yoghurt
some minstrels
some sour sweets
orange juice

later im having chicken curry and rice and som pudding of some sort at least hehe.

i eat TONS
Today so far I have had:

Toast and Marmalade
Decaf tea
Defcaf coffee
2 lemonade scones, clotted cream and strawberry jam
Ham sandwich with coleslaw
Club biscuit

Having smoked mackeral salad with new potatoes for tea and ought to squeeze some fruit in somewhere!
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Today and most days i have

Small bowl of raisen wheats
3 glasses of orange juice
2cups of orange squash
Corned beef and salad sandwich
and dinner: BBQ ribs with peas/carrots and potatoe

i aint really eating much tbh x
So far today....

Nesquik cereal and a brunch bar

lettuce and cucumber sandwich, a pork pie and 3 packets of crisps oops!

2 orange caprie suns

not sure what to have for tea but just relised I haven't drunk alot today! :s
Wow I feel as if im eating too much! Heres yeaterdays:

1 bowl of porriage
1 strawberry muller corner
1 cup of tea
1 cheese plougmans sandwich
1 roasted beef and salad sandwich
twirl :)
fish and chips, peas and salad
2 oranges
1 apple

MMMMM im loving cheese plougmans at the minute :) Cheese, red oinion, pickle, mayo, toms, lettuce and cucumber! Could eat them all day!
This thread is amazing!!

So far today -

Cup of tea, 2 sugars
2 weetabix, lots of sugar!!
Half a pack of jaffa cakes
Glass of orange juice
Glass of milk
Lots of french bread with 4 slices of billy bear meat (yummeeeh!!) cheese and kettle crisps
Raspberry Crush drink

And tonight my Mr is making his infamous pasta bake, nom nom nooooooooooooom!!!!
mine is particularly attrocious today, I dunno whats happened but Im hooked on sugar and high fat foods since about a month ago...

2 slices toast with flora light
1 minimilk (vanilla)...yes this is my breakfast pudding! :rofl:
I apple, 1 banana, 1 chocolate & vanilla pudding - mid morning snacks!
home made sweet potato & chorizo soup with whole meal roll
Lots of fizzy cola bottles throughout the afternoon
1 packet of salt & vinegar sticks

urgh, its only 4.15. How is this happening?! Im sooooo hungry! I NEVER used to eat sweets, only chocolate and I used to have 2 pieces of fruit for breakfast and salad for lunch prepregnancy!!
considering i dont get up until late about 3 oclock everyday pmsl
i usually have sandwich a smoothie and packet of crisps
dinner lasagne n chips
and bit of choc sitting infront of the tv

this maybe explain why i aint put on much weight hmmmm
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thing is, im not putting on much weight either. 4lb so far but if you count what I lost early in 2nd trimester Imdown a pound since i was weighed at 12 week scan. * has munch on 2nd minimilk of day*

I love this baby so much cos he's turned me into one of those people who can eat whatever and not gain. Im losing weight on my arms and legs...should prob look into this, it aint right!
I like this thread helps me keep track of what I'm eating, I try not to snack anyway I only like eating my sets meals but have noticed I'm not putting on weight at all so may start snacking more... So far I've eaten a bowl of sugar puffd, big glass of juice, packet of fruit pastilles, ham and cheese ploughman sarnie, 3 custard creams, three cherry tomatoes :) my oh is picking up a chippy tea later on the way home so probs have some tinned fruit while I'm waiting to get the extra calories :)
i love this thread as im eating like a pig at the mo

today so far

decaf coffee
2 boiled eggs and a slice of multigrain bread

a slice of nero's choc cheesecake
decaff coffee

2 creame eggs:(
1 bag crisps multigrain corndbeef sarnie

1 can tango
most of a bag of winegums

will be having jacket pot and salad for tea and always have marmite toast every night
Well, this is me...

2 pieces wholemeal toast
2 plums
2 glasses of water
1 ham salad sandwich
1 packet crisps
2 glasses of water
1 can diet de-caf coke

and for dinner am having....

chargrilled chicken with salad and homemade potato salad
and i bought chocolate muffins for dessert, naughty!

I'm actually really hungry at the moment, lunch didn't cut it lol! Not long til dinner's ready tho :)
oh yum, Im off to make marmite on toast!
A full english
A egg custard
2 cups of tea
2 hot chocs and tonight going for a chinese/indian due to his aunties B day god im starving now and feel dead guilty cos no milk, fruit or veg in diet!!!! :dance:
Well, this is me...

2 pieces wholemeal toast
2 plums
2 glasses of water
1 ham salad sandwich
1 packet crisps
2 glasses of water
1 can diet de-caf coke

and for dinner am having....

chargrilled chicken with salad and homemade potato salad
and i bought chocolate muffins for dessert, naughty!

I'm actually really hungry at the moment, lunch didn't cut it lol! Not long til dinner's ready tho :)

this is a very impressive diet!! :yay:
A full english
A egg custard
2 cups of tea
2 hot chocs and tonight going for a chinese/indian due to his aunties B day god im starving now and feel dead guilty cos no milk, fruit or veg in diet!!!! :dance:

i really struggle getting milk into my diet i really dont like it forcing yogurts down instead
SInce I posted Ive had 2 more minimik icecreams, 2 peices of marmite on toast and a packet of crisps. I just cant stop. Loving dairy stuff but only if its sweet, custard, ice cream, yoghurt....mmmmmm

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