Post your daily food intake!!

Wanna know what I have devoured so far today? Here goes...

Bowl of bran flakes
McDonalds brekkie when I got to work

Vegetable soup
Cheese and Ham baguette

:oops: I am such a pig
Is it weird that I could just fancy a bowl of bran flakes? god this baby's tryign to turn me into some kind of healthy person!
okay heres mine for the day :

coco pops
decaf coffee

a pear,
half a bottle of grapefriut flavour sparkling spring water
row of dairly milk

a Princes "heat and eat" chicken tikka massala pot yummmmmmmmyyyyy
ready salted crisps,
pint of orange fuit and barley.

Tea: (will be having )
spag bol,
dailry milk twin pot yog with crunchie bits in it YUMMY

in-front of TV:
mug of ovalteane,
thick toast,
row of choc
God my diet is so repetitive..


Early morning
Glass of fresh orange juice
some grapes

bowl of fruit & fibre
an apple

Bowl of homemade veg soup & whomeal bread

Dinner (will be)
Chicken salad

Going to the pics tonight so will probably get some icecream

so far - 2litres of water
Pacha you're so healthy! That's an insanely good diet, you'll have to have buckets of ice-cream tonight to make the rest of us feel better!
I suppose I am quite healthy but only because my favourite foods are healthy :doh: - other than chinese! mmm - usually have a chinese on a Sat night but will be missing it this Sat as going out for a V Day meal :dance:

Bowl of porridge with some jam and a cup of decaf tea


Cheese and coleslaw sandwich
Muller Fruit corner yoghurt.
1 bourbon biscuit.


Not sure.... :)
so far today ive had
crunchy nut cornflakes with green milk :D

thats it lol not hungry for lunch atm will proberly have super noodles when i do get hungry

Dinner is takeaway night so either chinese/kfc/maccy d's/chippy or kebab shop

snacks will be kiwis as they are getting over ripe so need to be eaten
pacha said:
I suppose I am quite healthy but only because my favourite foods are healthy :doh: - other than chinese! mmm - usually have a chinese on a Sat night but will be missing it this Sat as going out for a V Day meal :dance:

I am gonna miss my weekly chinese tomorrow too and also...Ant and Decs SNT is back :( hmph
Oooh I love Ant & Dec - didnt know that was back. Its defo getting sky plus'd :D
Well, honestly, how inconvenient of Valentine's Day to fall on a Saturday so we can actually go out and enjoy it for once :lol:

Tesco breakfast- 2 slices of toast, a sausage, 2 rashers of bacon, scrambled egg :oops:
About 1/3 bag of haribo strawbs.
Good for you! Bolignaise pasta bake (microwave)
Bowl of shreddies

Cup of tea
Glass of coke
ive also had an extra dairy milk yog, whole punnet of blueberries yummyy and still hungry so off to have a bowl of co-co pops
bowl of shreddies
tuna panini

going out for an meal tonight to an oriental restaurant so japanese or thai :dance:
For the record, I usually polish my plate of any food (including sauce), but I'm not feeling particularly hungry recently.

Yesterday I had:

Cheese on toast at about 3pm
4 mini pepperami's about 9pm

And that's it... :| thought I'd eaten more :lol:

coco pops
decaf coffee

more coco pops :oops: :oops:
pint of juice

cheese on toast
mint aero mousse BLOODY YUMMY!

Asda fresh cook in bag organic salmon fillets with crcked papper and lemon butter portions, mash, veg
another mint areo mousse
pint of juice

infornt of TV:
sticky toffee and double chock cookies from tesco had 2 cookies :oops: :oops:
half a bag of haribos with OH
mug of ovaultieane
I've really got to try and be a bit healthier- I've hardly been eating anything :oops:


Seeded bagel with light cream cheese
Half a snickers (not V healthy though!)
Handful of pistachio nuts

OH is making me spaghetti with tomato sauce for tea and i'm going to aim to have some fruit for dessert and then maybe a smoothie ice lolly later!
cup of milk
glass of water
Cup a soup extra
glass of juice
instant noodles
glass of water
beans on toast
more water
some type of take away tonight OH says

Not the most healthy of days but at least i'm drinking pleanty :oops:
breakfast= fry up- 2 sausages, 2 bacon,fried egg, black pudding, beans and fried bread.
1 bottle of coke

lunch= greggs or mcdees
packs of crisps
choc bar
bottle of fizzy juice

dinner= usually have different takeaway as i cant be bothered cooking.

Snack at night= bacon roll maybe if am hungry choc bar too hehe.

only kidding lol

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