Post ERPC Pain and Bleeding


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
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Hi Ladies

Since I had the ERPC on Friday, I haven't had any pain or bleeding. On Friday, I literally had cramps for an hour after the procedure and then only some very very light bleeding that evening. After that, nothing.

I've been fine over the last few days until this morning when I have been getting sharp pains, kind of around my ovaries and have started bleeding.

Does this fit with anyone elses experiences after ERPC?
Hi PerfectStorm,

I am sorry but I dont know anything about this - only had the d&c but I just wanted to let you know I hope your not tooooooo uncomfortable and that it stops hurting soon!

Take care of yourself! XXXX
I had my ERPC on Wednesday, and had some pain that day and some bleeding, which got gradually less and less until Saturday when I had nothing. I felt completely fine, so ended up doing some DIY (just a bit of painting)! I don't know if I overdid it or not but I woke up in a lot of pain on Sunday, like very very strong period pain, and quite heavy bleeding. It all stopped after a few hours though, and now I only have the occasional twinge. Still bleeding a bit...anyway not sure if this sounds similar to your experience or even if it is normal, but just wanted to say, I have had it too! Hopefully it will stop for you soon, take some painkillers and rest up for the day. xxx
Hi PerfectStorm

I am sorry for your loss.

I have to say that I have had 4 ERPC's and each one was different. I have had the same thing happen though so I would say that it wasn't uncommon although if you are concerned about it then speak with your doctor.

The main thing is to rest up and take your time to heal physically and mentally hon. My thoughts are with you.

Lee-Ann xx
Perfectstorm, I was like you, fine for a few days then cramps and bleeding only my cramps were agony. On and off for 3 day and heavy bleeding for 4 days then spotting/ light bleeding for a few days. It all stopped eventually, then 4 weeks later af arrived. Feels like I've spent an awful lot of time bleeding in the last 6 weeks :-( xxx
Thanks for your messages.

I spoke to my GP yesterday and she asked me to go in to see her this morning. Was feeling pretty rough last night and today, so tired and generally just bleurgghhhh.
She took my temperature and did an internal and has given me some antibiotics as she thinks I may have an infection. Hopefully they will do the trick but can't help worrying about the implications of an infection. Trying not to think about it too much as it seems any infection is in its early stages.

If I get any worse or am not better in a couple of days then I have to go back to see her. Fingers crossed I won't need to.
I had very similar experience to you, 48hrs on the antibiotics and felt a lot better. Hope it does the trick for you too. Its bad enough going through that and then having an infection afterwards just adds insult to injury. Be good to yourself and rest loads.
Yes I had this with my erpc in July. I had the procedure 17th July after finding out at 12week scan the day before. I bled for 3 weeks after. A lot of brown blood too towards the end. I was given antibiotics to take before I left. Good luck and lots of hugs xxx

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