Awww hun. My OH is similar up to a point. He used to come home from work and go and play the computer for the evening when i always seems rushed off my feet. Some men i think seem to think we sit around all day, and that looking after a child is easy (i did say some men, just incase they all lucky ladies that have OH's that help around the house and with the LO). When my daughter was born my OH and i had only been living together for about 3 months as we bothed lived with our parents before. He didnt change after we had kyla where i had completely, he seemed to think he goes out to work so it was my job to look after the house and the baby all day everyday, he used to play on the computer all day on his days off too, id hardly see him. I was at the end of my teather when i wrote him a letter explaining that he HAD to change, he was no longer a single man that had his mother to do everything for him. he slowly started to realised he now had a family and started to do abit more with kyla.
He still doesnt change or bath kyla but he does feed and play with her and leave me have an hour to myself.
Try and talk to your OH or write it down, explain you cant go on the way its going he has to change his ways. My OH still puts me down abit (although he doesnt know hes doing it) and it does have an effect, but there comes a point when you have to say, ive done my best to clean and to look after the LO if hes not happy thats his problem. Try to talk thro your feelings i kept them locked up for ages which made things worse, i just started to resent him.
I hope you sort things out