I am 29+2 weeks and due to low fundal height was referred for a scan-baby measuring right and weight 1162g whicxh I think is around 2lbs 5oz.
However I have low amniotic fluid and have been given steroids as a precautionary measure.
I am so worried though
Just want some advice on if baby was born now what should I expect?
Is the weight of baby ok?
Is there anyway I can help baby put weight on?
Sorry so many questions
I am 29+2 weeks and due to low fundal height was referred for a scan-baby measuring right and weight 1162g whicxh I think is around 2lbs 5oz.
However I have low amniotic fluid and have been given steroids as a precautionary measure.
I am so worried though
Just want some advice on if baby was born now what should I expect?
Is the weight of baby ok?
Is there anyway I can help baby put weight on?
Sorry so many questions