possible miscarage - sorry if u feel i am being rude


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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when i was 16 me and my ex - braydons dad had sex without a condom silly i know ( with braydon the condom split) anyway i missed a period for 3 months and thought i was pg - to scared to test - anyway when i did have my period it was very heavy i had to change my towl every half hour for the 1st couple of days and it was quite lumpie sorry for the infomation - and i was just wondering if it was a miscarrage i have thought about it for ages and i really need to know!!
sorry if i upset any one
Hi Sarah,

I am not a medical expert but having suffered 3 miscarriages so far I know that the bleeding is always much much heavier than normal AF and there is usually some clotting [lumps] but depending on how pregnant you were the severity of the cramps and bleeding will vary.

If AF was very late it is possible you were preg and then suffered a m/c but it would have been early stages so there would have been NOTHING you could have done to change the outcome, please don't think about this too much as it will not make you feel any better... You are very lucky to have Braydon - give him a hug and try to think forward.. about the future with your son, dwelling on the past can sometimes be very painful.. every day I think of my m/c's and hope that I never experience another again! :? :cry:
i know but i just feel i need to know if i had a miscarrage for me - something i have thought about for nearly 2 years and need to know for myself
Whatever you need to do - I know how you feel.. needing some sort of explanation and closure. I just don't want to make you feel worse about it. I hope I haven't.

Take care x

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