positive induction story


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Jun 18, 2011
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positive induction story
After having no success with 3 sweeps, I arrived for my induction at 9am on the 18th May. They checked the baby heartbeat and my bp etc and put a pessary in at 11am. The midwife said that they sometimes don't work the first time so don't get my hopes up. She also said I can walk around on hospital grounds only.

Walkiked around the hospital for a while ans started feeling a little crampy at around 2ish. Thought nothing of it as it just felt the same after the sweeps.

Around 4pm, I demanded to go to mcDonalds to have a Mcflurry as nothing was happening and I needed something to cheer me up. It was only across a busy road and I felt fine so off we went. Around 4:30pm, halfway through eating the Mcflury the cramp was getting stronger. I finished the Mcflurry and decided I needed to lie down to make myself feel better (still thinking they were just cramps). As we were walking back to the hospital DH realised that I was ignoring him and breathing through the cramps that he pointed out were coming every 2mins. I still thought nothing of it and carried on back to hospital. We were back at the hospital for 5ish and after me doing a lot of breathing through these 'cramps' the midwife decided to check me at about 5:30pm. She told me I was 5cm dilated and that she's taking me across to the labour unit. I managed to walk across with 2 contractions on the way (it was only next door). As soon as I got into bed the midwife gave me gas and air as the contractions were getting quite intense. They felt like someone was trying to pull all my insides out of my bottom!!

I took to the gas & air really well, the only thing I didn't like was the slight delay for it to kick in. If you breathe on it early enough then the pain could be really bad. DH started wafting me with a fan on order of the midwife through every contraction. Every now and again I couldn't control my body though and I could feel the baby moving down the birth canal, which distracted my at the peak of the contraction and forgot how to breathe. At around half 7 I was told that I was 10cm dilated. The midwives were changing shifts but the one that was there the whole time stayed a bit longer to meet the baby.

The pushing stage went really well, I didn't feel like I was doing anything at first, just trying to have a poo. It was nowhere near as painful as the contractions I have to say. Eventually I could feel her head right at my bottom and I knew we were close. My next push after that I could feel a lot of outside pain and I knew I was going to tear. I gathered my strength with the next push and pushed her whole head out in one go, what a relief, she was looking at daddy. Midwife didn't have a chance to tell me to pant halfway through! I barely felt the tear in the end.

My contractions seemed to die down once the head was out, probably because I was so exhausted. If there is one bit of advice I have to say it's trust your body!! eventually, I had a contraction so I easily pushed the rest of the body out, massive relief!!.

Olivia Grace was born at 7.57pm, weighing 7lb 9oz after what the midwife said was a 2 hr 17mins labour (as counted from when I was 5cm). :dance:


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What a great story Steph, thanks for posting. I am really nervous about induction which is a looming possibility for me now as you always hear the horror stories so it's fab to her a positive story! Olivia is gorgeous as well, congratulations xx
What a great story it's fab to see positive birth story's for inductions. Xxxx
Wonderful birth story, well done and congratulations - she's gorgeous x
Congratulations!! :love:

Sounds like you did AMAZING and baby Olivia is stunning xxxx
Fantastic :) she is gorgeous I had a positive induction too :)

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