Porn Star Names!!

JaidyBaby said:
Sorry...I didnt mean it to cause offence or anything just thought it would be a light hearted laugh thats all. Sorry if I have offended anyone feel bad now :cry:

oh no i was in no way offended. And i certainly don't see you as a crminal. Im so sorry i said anything now. It was just a thuoght - i had read it somewhere else and thought id raise the issue.

Im so sorry Jaidybaby.
Oh thats ok sweetheart!!!! No problem just felt a bit bad lol!!! Dont worry its totally cool, glad you made me aware cos like you said it could be dodgy. Im a bit blonde sometimes!! xx
i really should think before i type something though. I never mean to upset anyone. I think i think too much. :think:
Ha ha Wobbles that made me laugh!!! :D

My mate got married last year and her real name is now Amber Ryder, we all think that sounds like a porn star!
pets name... kaska
mums name brown

KASKA BROWN....sounds daft to me like
First pet ........................... Rhapsody (my rabbit i was 4 lol)
Mums maiden name .......... Brown

So I would be Rhapsody Brown lol

Thank god i didnt say my second pets name..

I would have been porky Brown lol :lol: I love that! that says pure class lol
budge said:
I would never give out my mothers maiden name willy nilly as its often a security question for all sorts off stuff. So is your fave pets name. - just a thuoght. :think:

I totally didn't think of that! i wonder if thats why that sort of game was devised in the first place. very clevor really! but worrying!

anyways i dont use either piece of information so mine is:

sooty allen :D
my first goldfish was called tea time and my mums maiden name is eldridge....

Tea time Eldridge.

JaidyBaby said:
This isnt anything to do with baby names but it made me think of something fun...finding out each others Porn Star Names!!

What you do is take your very first pet's name and then your mother's maiden name and put them together to make your porn star name...

My First Pet:- DUSTY

My Mother's Maiden Name:- HEDGER

So my Pornstar Name is Dusty Hedger!!! LOL.

Add yours for a good old laugh!!

mines would be Muffy Bradley :lol: :lol:

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