Popping sensation in cervix?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Hi all :)
I just took a 40min walk home from the breastfeeding workshop I went to and immediately regretted it! Was almost certain I was going into labour at one point, I got really, really strong cramping - I had to stop and bend over a park bench! When I got home after what seemed like forever I sat on my ball for a bit to help with the cramps, which by now seem to have moved round into my back.

Then I went to the toilet, but whilst I was sitting on the loo I felt what I can only describe as a sort of popping sensation near my cervix/very low down. I panicked thinking it was my waters, but nothing has come out. Does anyone know what this could be?
i dont know sorry hun i can only suggest is put a pad on and keep an eye on it because i had something come out before but midwife just told me to keep eye on it if i get really damp to phone the hospital. i have lots of pressure down around bottom of my back and in my groin x
You are as bad as me!!! When will we realise we cant walk for 40 mins and not suffer??? Upon saying that, i just made my SPD worse but sounds like you may have started something happening..... agree to put a pad on and keep checking but more concerned re your cramps. Are they persistant or coming and going like contractions? Maybe time them..... call your mw if at all concerned
They were coming and going, but they eased off once I'd rested for a bit. Saw my MW tonight & she told me to time them too if/when it happens again & also to wear a pad. I know I'm silly! Thought the exercise would do me good but I regretted it pretty much as soon as I started walking! X

P.S I'm writing this from a nice warm bath - my back & hips are killing me!

Thats exactly wear im going now.. my bump, back, hips, and feet are all achey and sore!

Well done on even atempting a 40min walk home, :) hope you feel more comfortable after your bath! xx
When my waters broke that's what happened cos of the way he was laid I had a very slow leak and had him 6 hours later however I had been in slow labour for two days so keep an eye on it if your concerned call your mw again.
I would advise u to call ur labour ward to get their advice... Could be early, early stages of labour, but u wont need to go into hospital for a while yet, but did u notice and grainy/straw coloured looking liquid in the loo?? Ur contractions also need to be 3 every 10 minutes, lasting 45 secs- 1 min and very painful and intense... I had my birth plan appointment yesterday so its all fresh in my mind, also Im on my second baby...
I hope this helps without scaring u... One last thing, listen to ur body, this is an important thing to do from now on, if ur body hurts, aches, feels generally tired, then stop, phone a cab next time... U have to take it easy hun... Make sure u rest for the next day or 2, cause if u are in early stages of labour, ur gonna need ur energy hun...

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