Poos how often?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Just wondered how often a breast fed baby (but with 1 formula feed a day) should be pooing? Up until a couple of days ago, we were getting a couple of poos a day sometimes more but since then just one a day. Now today there haven't been any so far :think: The previous poos haven't changed in appearance and he is still weeing a lot. I know breast fed babies often don't poo too much but I thought that happened from about three or four months onwards. Is it normal for a baby of 6 weeks not to go everyday?

It seemed to coincide with us upping to two formula feeds a day last weekend (which we have now phased out again). Is it possible that an extra feed has constipated him?

Thanks (I seem to be taking over the Health section today :oops: ).
Hi Mildly - Firstly about your other posts, read them but didnt get free fingers from LO to type a reply :) GA I am not too sure about but have heard that babies are less at risk of a GA than an adult.

About the tongue tie- dont know much about it but if I had to choose whether to have it done or not, if the risks are very small then I would have the procedure done

With regards to Poo - Aaron is on BF but with 1 top up a day. He will poo atleast 3 times a day and has gone on for much more but what we did notice is that when we had to up it to 2 top ups one of the days we were out, he did not poo as much but had wet nappies. With breastfeeding he will poo very often, every feed results in a poo almost straight away but with top up he will take time, almost 3 hours will go by without a poo. I raised this with my MW and her explaination was that Breastmilk is metabolised instantly, formula takes time for body to process it.

Rudys pooing slowed right dow around 6 weeks, completely normal I think. His longest stretch was 6 days without one, the nappy was not pleasant and ruined a vest and sleepsuit :puke: :lol:
Seren used to poo once a week, from a couple of weeks after birth. Cally poos every day (was 6 times a day at one point).

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