

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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I'm not sure if our little man is poorly or not :wall:
If we still have concerns 2moro we'll take him down the hospital to the childrens A&E to be checked over but I thought I'd ask on here.

He actually only saw the doctor on monday because hubby and f-in-law were panicing he was sick :wall: (completely different symptoms and reason though and personally I thought he was fine :roll: ). The doctor gave him the all clear but suggested using infacol once a day (as I was already using it but worried about how many consecutive days to use it for) and suggested that he may be having pains and discomfort whilst his gut matures and that all his vitals were fine so it wasn't anything dangerous.

(Horrible little children where coughing and sniffling everywhere :evil: )

Well, the last 2 days he IS starting to concern me now :(

He is still crying and writhing around during his sleep several times a day as if he has trapped wind but when we burp him we never get much out of him. He'll only settle again in your arms - wakes up as soon as you try to put him down and starts crying again.

The last few days he's been 'passing wind' regularly throughout the day but it's REALLY smelly :shock: A lot of the time he doesn't seem to notice and some times he gets a bit upset.
And in the last 48hrs now he's only done 2 poos (one each day) which have been green and dihorrea (sp?) and upset him because he cries stright afterwards but he's been doing plenty of wet nappies each day with no issues :think:

We've been giving him infacol friday 7th - monday 10th at every feed....then on doctors advice only 1 dose a day since then...until today when I've stepped it back up to every feed again because I was getting slightly worried.

He is eating well, nice and active when he's not sleeping.....nothing really obvious.....

....but today when bathing him I noticed lots of raised pink/red pimples across his chest and also on his fingers. They weren't there yesterday so we weren't sure if they were just heat lumps as the temps did get a bit high today when we forgot to turn the heating off (after putting it on to warm up the water for a shower). I just looked for them now on his hands (he's sleeping) and can't see anything obvious so think they must have gone down again and been heat related after all.

I just don't really know what to do with him.... :doh:
If your worried take him to be checked out, it does sound like colic which regularly presents in LO's at 2 weeks and the pimples sound like a raction to environment (Esme goes all sorts of funny colours one minute she is perfect porceline the next bright red with horrible spots) but to be sure ge him checked out or give NHS direct a call
Thanks for the reply. He seems better again today thankfully. I'm still using infacol before every feed though. I've also offered the bottles a little warmer than the normal room temp he gets. I don't know if this has made any difference :think:

He's taken 3 bottles since my last post and has drained the full 4oz for the first time so I have started making 5oz bottles (I always make 1oz more than he normally takes). Typically he's only been taking 3-3.5oz in the last few feeds :lol:

His pimples are nearly all gone....just the odd one and they're normal flesh coloured and not red or pink anymore :hug:

He's been doing wet nappies again....but more inportantly he's done a normal yellow poop for me (how sad do you feel when poop makes you happy?! :rotfl: :wall: )

He hasn't been crying in his sleep as much either today and actually onyl woke up once last night between 1am and 10am but he is still passing wind a lot :oops:
Sounds like colic. Give Infacol before every feed regardless. It takes a few days to start to take effect. Also don't worry about how long you give. It for, our LO had it before every feed for 9 weeks till his colic passed around 12 weeks old.

It's fine to use before each feed and for extended periods. Truthfully it's pointless only giving it for one feed a day or only for a few days as it is not enough for it to do it's job.
Health visitor came around today. She's checked him over for me (mainly his dry skin and the shape of his skull...ventouse seems to have dented the left side slightly :( ) but I described his symptoms to her and she also advised she thought it was colic and that if the infacol is working to carry on with that at every feed. She also said that it's not effective for about 24hrs so you can't just use it WHEN they have wind...it has to already be in their system. Why the doctor advised once a day I don't know :wall: :x
She did mention some other stuff as well if the infacol seems to stop working but it seems to be fine now he's been taking the proper dose all weekend :)

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