Poorly Toddler - Feeling stressed


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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I guess, I just need to vent.

My poor son has been quite poorly over the past 24/36 hours. We went swimming yesterday and his eyelid blew up. He then developed a cough and a fever. The swelling went away but the fever/cough/runny nose went on all night.

This morning we took him to a GP who was worried about his breathing, so referred us to the hospital. Got to the hospital and they determined he had a throat and ear infection. Gave paracetamol, nurofen and antibiotics to fight it all off.

We got home and my sons temperature just plummeted. It went as low as 34.1. At the last check it had gone up to 35.4. He's very very lethargic. He's barely moved all day, hasn't eaten much at all and not much in way of drink either (though will take sips every so often). His nappies aren't hugely wet either and they pong a bit - so now i'm worried that maybe he has a UTI?

My folks aren't being very supportive - I mean, they are - for him, but not for me. They keep sending messages after their Dr. Google searches about Scarlet Fever and all sorts. All I want from them is reassurance, but they are making me panic even more and make me feel like I am not doing enough for him.

I am 7 months pregnant, suffering from a chesty cough and feeling exceedingly anxious about my son and hoping we can get through the night without another hospital trip or 111 call, and now stressed because my parents keep sending me panic messages.

I'm just feeling very very stressed tonight. I can't even stomach the thought of eating. I just want my child well - with a nice NORMAL temperature, normal wees, and a healthy appetite. I am just rubbish at this aspect of parenthood. I need a hug!
Aw hon, it's crap when they are ill and I can't even imagine what it's like pregnant! Might be worth a wee 111 call to put your mind at ease. DO NOT GOOGLE!! it's the devil in situations like this. :hugs:
Yes! Like T84 says - don't Google! Will just make you worry more. I would phone 111 and they can offer you some reassurance. Sending a hug! :)
Cheers loads. I think I will later on depending on his temperature. His temp is going back up again now, but want to see if I can hold off on another 111 or hospital trip at least until morning. He's sleeping now. The hospital are aware of everything i've said in this post bar the temp plummeting upon our return.
Trust me - I haven't been googling - it is my parents thrusting it all on me and it is really stressing me out. They think they are being helpful, but it really isn't.
Sounds like you're really going through it at the moment. If he's not eaten and barely drunk, any wee he does produce will smell more than usual anyway, irrespective of whether he has a UTI or not.

Personally I would call 111 and ask about the temperature, mainly for reassurance - he'll get more lethargic from not eating and drinking, and in turn not moving around will mean he'll be colder in general (e.g. my son's currently got a stinking cold, had a fever last night and first thing this morning; gave Calpol at 8am, then he was in bed for 3 hours fast asleep and when he woke up his hands and feet were purple! I didn't check his temp, but obviously fever disappeared completely at some point and he got really cold from sleeping and being so still) xx
Okay thanks, that's definitely reassuring. I will call 111 depending on what the temp reading is at the next wake up call (which i'm sure there will be!). If it is high 35 and above I won't bother. He has already been seen to with regards to everything else. Just the plummeting temp freaked me out, but feeling reassured now that it is creeping back up - we had him in a t-shirt and nappy, but put his pj bottoms on and tucked him in bed and temp seems to be going up and he is much warmer to the touch.

I guess I just fear a middle of the night hospital trip if I call 111. I know it would be for the best if needed, but my son settles better at home and I get anxious at hospital. Obviously, we'll do whatever is needed to get him better though, irrespective of my and his issues with hospitals.
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Personally hun I would call 111. When my daughter was ill with a high fever the a&e doctor told me the main thing to look out for would be a falling temp and to go straight back in as that would concern them more. I'm sure its nothing and maybe calling them will offer reassurance xxx
Sorry posted before your last reply hun. Its good that his temp has started to increase. This mummy business is so hard xxx
It's okay. I appreciate all the advice, most definitely - so thank you. I find this really really tough. Luckily my OH is more level-headed but sometimes I worry he is a little TOO chilled out.
It's the most frightening thing in the world when they're ill. I totally freaked out this afternoon when my son's hands went purple, tried chasing him around the room to warm him up...

Sounds like your little man is getting better. Hope his temp keeps on improving xx
Argh, I know how you feel with the parents. My mum is a terrible hypochondriac and the slightest little cough my LO has she just will not let it go! She even got vitamins for me to give him the other day, didn't even bother to ask if he has any already!

In her defence my mum has said it's awful having grandkids cos she worries twice as much about LO and me. And by her own admission she gets frustrated when I don't do things the same way she would. Your parents are probably trying to be helpful although it's the last thing you need! You've had LO checked out and I agree if he's settled to sleep for the night then I'd be inclined to keep him at home unless he really deteriorates.
I hope your lo is better today. Nothing as scary and panicky as when they're ill x
Thanks ladies. I have absolutely no doubt that my parents are just trying to do the best they can. They love my little boy so much, and for that I absolutely love and adore them. However, their stress and panicking just is not helping me and it accentuates a bad situation. What I want from them is a big cuddle and some reassurance - not panic, as I am doing plenty of that already.

Little man is still snoozing, next wake up will be the next temp check and he'll need his antibiotics too.
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Thanks ladies for all your advice, I desperately needed it last night as I was so so worried. He had a slow morning and the temp remained reasonably low for most of the day - I called a doctor about it and she said it just takes a while for the antibiotics to kick in, as long as he is alert and responsive then don't worry.

Later on this afternoon we finally saw the 36c temp and he has been smiling and playing for the later part of afternoon and even attempted some dinner. Couldn't be happier to see my little boy starting to feel better.

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