Poor MIL's cat


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
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Poor lil chap was let out last Tuesday and didn't come home, at first we thought he'd probably jumped in someone's garage or something. After not returning over the weekend she called the local vets, lo and behold he had been taken in!

She was told he'd had an accident (found on a driveway in her road) and they had to amputate his leg! We go to collect him, it was explained that he'd been attacked by a dog and his little leg was pulverised :( poor little dude has to relearn how to walk at 16yo.

We don't know whose dog it was, but her neighbour has a little dog that has to be muzzled because it attacks other dogs (one might assume it attacks cats). They leave their front door open and allow this dog unmuzzled out into the street. There are lots of young kids that play in this street, I worry about how little it takes to make a dog snap and go for someone :(

Sorry, I digress, the point was the cat, does anyone else have a three legged cat? Can we help him in any way?
awww poor moggy!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
sorry hun no advice xxxxxx
There's a three legged cat next door.

He's very happy. Especially around home time when he gets LOADS of attention form the kids and the mums....... I think he milks it lol!

Hope he's ok.
we had a big fat ginger 3legged tom, he was a dooooode!! he had his leg bitten off by a dog when he was lil and we rescued him from a shelter, he lived for years too :D

im guessin in the first few mths of recuperation itl be hard for him to relearn how to walk, run and curl up but Im sure he'll be ok after - hes an old boy isnt he! :D
Poor kitty :(

Cats cope suprisingly well with just three legs, i am sure he will be back to his active self again in no time.

As for that dog maybe you want to speak to the RSPCA about it if it is that viscious. if it can go out onto the street and hurt other animals then i dont think it would take much for it to attack a child to.

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