Thats nasty shes just a little baby! regardless of who her parents are, Katie is a strong lady she will no doubt use it as an opportunity to make money out of it by having an interview and princess photoshoot about it in hello! she uses people slagging her off to make more money and put the record straight..quite clever really as who wins? the people who slag her and her family off or her family who get richer and richer? lol
There are loads of celebrities whose children don't get slagged off for being ugly. If Princess's mother wasn't such a publicity whore we needn't even know what she looked like
In 14 short years the Daily Star will probably be doing some sort of dubious countdwn to her geting her norks out anyway.
The people in that magazine probably earn about 10000 times less than Kaite Price, who is a very astute business woman..... I doubt she cares too much.... look who is laughing when she can buy her "ugly" daughter anything the child so wants, whilst the people who are slagging off her kids struggle under the weight of a huge mortgage or whatever I don't think she'd be too bothered
im not a big fan of katie price but 2 slag of her child is way 2 low, i remember a few years ago when they slagged of harvey, disgusting. no wonder i never buy a paper!!
Shows how desperate magazines are getting for stories when they have to stoop so low to call babies ugly!! I remember last year Heat magazine was taking the mickey out of Harvey. I think it was a sticker saying 'Harvey's going to eat me!'. I never saw it, just read about it. Disgusting behaviour!!
Youre making out as if she actually looks after her kids herself. The house is always full of people helping out.
I saw a clip the other day where she came back home after being away for ages and she practically ignored her kids and Peter kept telling her that her son and daughter wanted to see her and have a hug.
She doesnt come across as motherly at all to me and i've seen clips before. She seems very cold towards them if you ask me.
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