Poor Alfie


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Had a hell of a week with my boy, bless him i thought we were going to lose him yesterday but my bruiser boy turned it around. I took him 2 docs on monday he was wheezing and coughing and it was horrible, the doctor said his chest was clear but i knew he was wrong so took him back later 4 a second opinion to be told he was wheezy but if i tuk him 2 hosp id be sent home. That was it tuesday i didnt care, alfie wasnt himself and i no my lad so i thought sack it if they send me home they send me home he needs to be seen. He was kept in diagnosed with bronchiolitis and has steadily got worse, yestaerday he was so bad Ian flew back from ireland to be with us as the hospital told him over the phone at that point it could go either way, but the little fighter turned it around he fought on and today he had come on so well they let us bring him home hyes still poorly but hes carried on giving me that smile i love so much all the way through. It didnt hit me untill i got him home and got him settled off to sleep just how bad it could of been, i may not have bought him home at all and it scared me i broke down, i love my little man i just take for granted how blessed i am to have him.
How awful that must have been :hug:

Good for you for sticking out the fact that you knew something was wrong.

So glad to hear the little chaps ok.
OMG that's terrible, I am so sorry to hear you have been through such an awful situation. Good for you being insistent, you know your LO! I am so glad he is ok.

:hug: for both of you x
Its scary to realise that left upto the doctors my baby could either be worse now or even worse than that not here, i cant bare thinking of a world without him. Doctors should listen to mums more often they know their own babies how they behave, but to the doctors we're just another five min appointment in there day, its sad thay get paid so much for doing naff all. Sorry to winge on im just very upset x
god thats alful i am glad to hear he is better xxxxx
thats awful hun, glad to hear hes better now tho!!
god :shock: :shock:
so glad little alfie is on the mend, how awful for you & your partner,
Louie & alfie were born a day apart, not that i realised before!!

pray your little man makes a very speedy recovery , then you can look forward to your 1st xmas with your little guy!!!
take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
Fingers crossed I know exactly what you mean about medical staff! I have had so many problems here in denmark first in my pregnancy and then with my LO. They wouldn't listen to me when I kept telling them that her crying wasn't normal baby crying but was in pain. I eventually said I wouldn't leave the hosppital until I saw a specialist and guess what? He diagnosed her in 30 seconds, it could have been done 3 weeks earlier :evil: Its the worst thing in the world to see your baby in pain and suffering :cry:

I do hope Alfie is feeling better now :hug:

I am so sorry you have went through this how scary :hug:
I am so glad he is well and home now . i hate doctors they really piss me off :twisted: could you not make a ocmplaint about this doctor i know i would.
first thing tomorrow im going to go to the surgery and get us transferred over to another doctor, as soon as im driving aswell im changing surgeries completely, before i moved i had a really good doctor who would have sent Alfie to the hospital straight away but moving out of the area meant changing surgery.

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