Poo Stories


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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Well I have had a cracker of an experience tonight!!

I took libby for a bath, and when I took her nappy off this poo fell out of the nappy :puke: like an oversized malteser :rotfl: (all I could think of was Jennywren's story about the middle of the night change of Oran's from ages ago in the Here I Am thread, with the poo falling onto the floor :rotfl:) Anyway, I scooped it up into the nappy just before Libby squished it with her hand :puke: and transferred Libby into the bath....I had squealed when Libby had nearlly put her hand in it, so DH came up to see what the fuss was about :wink:
I then noticed the poo had marked the carpet!! :shakehead: So just committed to mind that I needed to get the stain remover as soon as Libby was in bed :think:
When I got Libby out the bath, i noticed that the bath mat had poo on it :puke: and thought to myself what a mess this bl**dy malteser poo had made :shakehead:
Looking down at Libby before I scooped her up, I noticed another poo mark on the carpet :shock: and another :shock: then I looked down under my knee and found another poo stain!!! :shock:
There was another 'malteser' poo stuck to the knee of my jeans :puke: and I had been kneeling it all over the mat & carpet :rotfl: I scraped it off with a handful of wipes :puke: :puke: and stripped my trousers & socks off, nearlly :puke: at the same time, Libby was just giggling at me :shakehead:
I have shoved my jeans in a hot wash and am contemplating just putting them striaght in the bin with the bath mat when the wash finishes :think: :lol:

Anyone else got any funny or cringe poo stories :D
:rotfl: :rotfl:

this is my life right now..D pukes and i just let him puke all over me as at leat i can put the clothes in the wash...

I am sure when \D is bette rhe will make great contirbutions to the thread
Oh yes I have a story :rotfl:

A few weeks ago I was downstairs and Jake had done a poo. I took his nappy off and cleaned him up and then realised that I didn't have any nappy's downstairs. I took Jake upstairs and put him in his cot whilst I went to the toilet and then when I came out he had fallen asleep so I covered him up forgetting that he had no nappy on(his babygro was hanging down over his bum so I didn't see his bare bum to remind me either). Anyway about an hour later he started crying so I went in to his room and there was poo everywhere :puke: I'm not joking it was all over his body and in his hair, up the walls, on the carpet, on the cot bars, on the sheet etc etc :puke: At first I was thinking what has he done with his nappy but then I realised that I hadn't put one on him :wall: Anyway I made OH bath him whilst I scrubbed his room. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten to put a nappy on. I was having a :wall: day.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've had several pooy moments with Isaac. Mainly when he was very small and still pooing runny milk and I remember taking his nappy off mid poo and it literally squirting across the room all over me and the carpet :clap:

The time I remember the most vivid though is just after he was born still in the hospital and I was getting ready to go home, waiting for my OH to come pick us up and I was mega organized and had Isaac all dressed and ready when I realised he had done a poo. I undressed him and it was that horrible black tarry sticky poo that newborns do and it had gone everywhere. I was in such a flap trying to clean it up on my own with bloody cotton wool and water (because baby wipes are as good as wiping your babies bum with flash wipes when you are surrounded by midwives) that I was crying and Isaac was crying and we were both smothered!!

Luckily my OH turned up in the nick of time and helped me out but it was the perfect start to taking Isaac home!

Lou :D
I am :rotfl: :rotfl: Gemma - you are the winner so far I reckon...poor you having to scrub that down, i bet retched a few times cleaning his bedroom :puke:
my latest poo story

A is home for the weekend...

D was having some bum time and did a big fart .. i knew what it meant..time for a nappy on Son,i said..he's alright said Dad it was just a fart...ok you can clean it up when he poo's

so he pooed no cloth near by so A had to catch it in his hand to prevent it going all over the carpet :rotfl:

Men never know anything
Emmylou said:
Well I have had a cracker of an experience tonight!!

I took libby for a bath, and when I took her nappy off this poo fell out of the nappy :puke: like an oversized malteser :rotfl: (all I could think of was Jennywren's story about the middle of the night change of Oran's from ages ago in the Here I Am thread, with the poo falling onto the floor :rotfl:) Anyway, I scooped it up into the nappy just before Libby squished it with her hand :puke: and transferred Libby into the bath....I had squealed when Libby had nearlly put her hand in it, so DH came up to see what the fuss was about :wink:
I then noticed the poo had marked the carpet!! :shakehead: So just committed to mind that I needed to get the stain remover as soon as Libby was in bed :think:
When I got Libby out the bath, i noticed that the bath mat had poo on it :puke: and thought to myself what a mess this bl**dy malteser poo had made :shakehead:
Looking down at Libby before I scooped her up, I noticed another poo mark on the carpet :shock: and another :shock: then I looked down under my knee and found another poo stain!!! :shock:
There was another 'malteser' poo stuck to the knee of my jeans :puke: and I had been kneeling it all over the mat & carpet :rotfl: I scraped it off with a handful of wipes :puke: :puke: and stripped my trousers & socks off, nearlly :puke: at the same time, Libby was just giggling at me :shakehead:
I have shoved my jeans in a hot wash and am contemplating just putting them striaght in the bin with the bath mat when the wash finishes :think: :lol:

Anyone else got any funny or cringe poo stories :D

absolutely peeing myself laughing em!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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