Poo. I'm sorry but I have to ask


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Another charming one from me but I figure you lot won't mind too much :lol:

It is doing my head in. I am SO constipated but I keep getting diarrhoea-like cramps. So I toddle off to the loo only to be greeted by a stony silence and some lower abdominal pain. It goes on and on. I'm bunged up but everything above the 'blockage' is like a cross between hangover booze-poos and the morning after a vindaloo! :puke: I can't win! Even if everything is 'cleared out' s to speak it just happens again the next day.

I am drinking loads of water and eating as many veg as I can (fruit goes off too quick so unless I want to go shopping everyday I pretty much do without but am drinking fruit juices instead) but I look about 4 months gone due to the delightful bloating/blockage and I just can't seem to do anything.

Any magical poo tips from anyone?! They will be gratefully received I can promise you!!!
Yup. Great isn't it.

I started having a smoothie in the morning (tin of peaches blitzed with fruit juice) and 150ml of prune juice in the evening - which did seem to help (I don't manage it every day depending on the sickness).
Prune juice :puke: *heave* :lol:

Will try the peach tin smoothie. I have some chopped up bananas in my freezer (they go off to quick here so freeze them) but am too lazy to be cutting up mangoes etc every morning. but tinned peaches is an excellent idea!!!
I had the same thing before I realised I was pregnant.

I have crunchy nut cornflakes in the morning, and tried to increase my fruit and veg uptake.
I can't face anything except a yoghurt/digestive in the mornings... It's not sickness just nausea :puke:

I do like crunchy nut though... *strokes imaginary beard*

I was exactly the same! I have found eating a handful of dried apricots everyday really helps!
I looked at the fiber content on them and the packet of prunes and apricots were higher and they are quite yummy (well i think so)

hope you feel better soon, but im still sufferring with this atm

I have been taking a senna tAblet every other day with my prenatal vitamins. It's safe to take In Pregnancy, tastes a bit licorice-like and wow! Has certainly done the trick!!!!
My bloating has gone down a lot in the last few days and been for number 2every day LOL!
I've been the same hun.
The other day i got some prune yoghurts. (ew prunes) but i've been feeling better.
When we lived in malaysia mum used to cut up fruits and put them in tupperware in the fridge so they were always there to just grab and nibble on. For some bizarre reason we were talking about that the other day and she told me thats why she used to do it cos everything went off so quick and to encourage nibbling on fruit. lol
That's some excellent ideas guys. I love dried apricots and will hunt some down over here.

EmmaLouise, I thought that you weren't supposed to take any senna-based laxatives as they stimulate muscle contractions (i.e. of the gut) that could spill over into the uterus? Another one of those hearsay stories I'm sure as I can't now remember where I read it but...?

I will get my butt off this chair today and brave the supermarkets. I may even freeze some fruit as I know you can get those pre-chopped pre-frozen assorted fruits in the UK now for quick smoothies. No reason I can't do it myself!
Hey congratulations at making it to 5 weeks! :cheer:

About the poo- exercise (gentle of course!), loads of water and deied apricots should get you moving again!
Thanks mate, I'm chuffed :D :dance:

I have been out, bought, chopped and frozen the largest supply of fruit this side of Malaysia (and got some yummy apricots - nice thinking Bizzy!) and will get to making a smoothie when I can drag myself out of this chair lol
Jesus this is ridiculous. I'm going to dehydrate at this rate :lol:

Not that I'd take it anyway but this country doesn't sell Immodium :doh: :evil:

I'm drinking lots of water and having fibre to try and regulate myself but honestly it's either one extreme or the other...

At least it's a sign that BuddaBean's actually in there I suppose
buddabun said:
EmmaLouise, I thought that you weren't supposed to take any senna-based laxatives as they stimulate muscle contractions (i.e. of the gut) that could spill over into the uterus? Another one of those hearsay stories I'm sure as I can't now remember where I read it but...?


I asked at the pharmacy and they told me to take them?! It says on the packet safe in pregnancy too?
Will have to just hope they havent done any damage then...... :think:
my bad. It says it in one of my pregnancy books (about irritating the bowel and provoking muscle contractions) but I'm sure if you've asked AND it says so on the packet then my book is wrong.

Sorry if that worried you :oops:
trixi's non-druggie preggo-friendly natural laxatives!---

1. figs

2. oranges/clementines/tangerines

3. water (lots of!)

4. bran flakes (not too much tho or will make it worse)

5. salad vegetables


1. meat (especially red)

2. potatoes/rice/pasta

3. sweets n choc :( :( :(

4. root vegetables

obviously this is only temporary fix to sort your bowels out. its not recommended to cut out meat, carbs and root veg permanently!
buddabun said:
my bad. It says it in one of my pregnancy books (about irritating the bowel and provoking muscle contractions) but I'm sure if you've asked AND it says so on the packet then my book is wrong.

Sorry if that worried you :oops:

Lol! Don't worry. I did the frantic google-ing thing and it came up with 'best to avoid in later stages of pregnancy as can cause muscle contractions to pass into uterus'.
But I only took a couple so I think we'll be ok! :hug:
oh and cinnamon is good too. srinkle some on ur (DECAF!) coffee, its nice! its a herbal remedy for flatulence, constipation and diarrhea. iv got little magazine cut-outs stuck on my kitchen cupboards with facts like this written on :lol:
Porridge helped me. I imagine it's not the easiest food to eat if you suffer with morning sickness though.

I hope it gets better.
I am ok with the ms at the moment, I just feel very queasy in the mornings but i can usually just push it aside to eat something. I'm sure all that will change soon enough!

I am sticking with the smoothie for now as I can't really stomach much else in the mornings.

I am torn between eating more root veg and meat or eating less as I have a combination of the two :lol:

Stupid body :roll:

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