polyhydramnious help !!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
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just looking for some advice, im 30 weeks :smile: yay, i went to the mw on friday as i have been having alot of tightnings, and my stomach grew overnight i was measuring 29cm and when measured on fri i was 34cm!!!aghh, my stomach is like a rock so tight and hard, quite painfull, anyway got sent to the hosp and have been told thats its m,ore than likely Polyhydramnios??!!!! but i am having a scan to confirm tomorrow has anyone ever experienced this or know anything about it thanks xx
I had this - excessive fluid - they kept an eye on me and I had regular scans to check depth of 'liquor pools' and babies measurements - it was pretty uncomfortable as my tummy felt unbelievably tight all the time. They also ran something called a torch blood panel to make sure there was no infection or underlying cause- they only found out with me at 34 weeks- they broke my waters at 38 weeks (unrelated induction) I flooded the room and they called another midwife in to mop up the floor!

I had it too. I measured between 4 and 6cms too big from 25 weeks onwards.
I was signed off work for 4 weeks at 25 weeks and was told to rest. The fluid did reduce with rest. I went back to work part time hours after my sick leave until my maternity leave started.
I had scans every 2 weeks to measure fluid and check baby was ok.
In the end I was induced the day before my due date (didn't have baby until the day after due date) due to high blood pressure not the fluid level.
Try to rest lots and not stress too much over it. X
I had it too.

They will scan you to check your water levels. They do this by measuring the three largest "pools" of fluid round baby and taking an average.

If you are over 25cm3 ( I the it's that) then youre classed as excess waters.

In most cases there is no explanation for why it occurs. But sometimes it can be caused by Gestational diabetes, kidney issues in baby or other things - but it's usually nothing.

If you do have it they will check babies kidney function and other parts in detail at the scan to make sure x you'll also be offered a GTT x
hey Guys thanks for your comments a scan has confirmed I do have it, and I have yo be scanned every two weeks from now on, were any of your babies early because of this? they have told me they will still try for a natural birth :) x
I was induce at 39+5 due to it xx

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I had it too and flooded the room when they broke my waters. I was induced at 40+3 after about 10 failed sweeps! People stopped me in the street and asked if i was having triplets I was that big. I had extra scans too, which is great cause you get to see bubba more.
My waters went everywhere! It was honestly like something you'd see in a movie!

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