charlie and ethan have to put there clothes away (once i have washed them and put them on there beds)
tidy there rooms everyday
put any washing in the washing basket, instead of there floor!
and just be good all round.
thats a good idea, my ex when he was little his parents used to give him money for good results in school, and if he got bad results he had to give them some money back.
It worked cause he turned out with a masters in 2 subjects and extremely smart. i thought he was an alien lol
Can we swap kids? DD gets £5 an HOUR up to a max of £20!!!! But she's expected to work hard for that and doesnt include tasks she should do herself like her bedroom. Makes a huge difference to us if we come home and the house is hoovered, the kitchen is clean so worth it. This week she's earned jack shit as she hasnt lifted a finger!
I didnt just hoover mom, i went through the whole carpet on my hands and knees and picked up anything i thought may damage the hoover or get pushed thats 4 hours thanks!!
No, she tried it on but we're not daft and know how long tasks take so if she wants to hoover the lounge for 2 hours she'll get paid 15 minutes. We're prepping her for the outside world so soon she'll start managing her own budget for clothes and stuff. Amazing how many clothes kids can get if they pay for it out of their own pocket hehe They become top bargain hunters
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