

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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Since the birth of my son I've had heart palpitations that feel like skipped beats now and again. Well I had a bout of them last Thursday and I have been a quivering mess of nerves and emotions since as I'm convinced I have a heart condition and I'm going to just drop dead. I went to the doctors last night and denied any anxiety as I didn't want to be phobbed off with beta blockers which she tried to do anyway. So basically I have to wait a week just to have a blood test and then another 2 weeks to see the gp with results. She basically told me it's normal to have chest and arm pain and palpitations. Now I'm just an anxious mess and don't want to do anything. I'm sure my husband thinks I have pnd but I love my baby and don't have any resentment towards them and I'm over 3 months postpartum so I don't see how I could have it?

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I think if you're questioning it you should get yourself checked out with the HV just in case Hun.
PND doesn't always get picked up on straight away as mums tend to get the baby blues which is very different and your HV does the PND check at roughly 3 months.

To be honest I'm shocked at how my body is since birth - I had an easy pregnancy and labour but so many aches and pains since! Don't under estimate what having a baby does to you - I'm sure everything will be fine hun, maybe you need some "YOU" time to chill xxx
PND doesn't necessarily result in you resenting your baby in any way, everyone suffers differently. For me it was mostly feelings of failure at having had a c-section and having not been able to breastfeed. I cried even thinking about it. I had really low self esteem and hid my body despite people saying I was looking really good. I still feel blue some days but it's getting better. Just because you have positive feelings sometimes, doesn't mean you don't have PND. In fact I was very good at masking it around others. Just don't let it go untreated/unsupported xx
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As leesey said, PND can manifest in different ways, including anxiety attacks. Ive been having them for past few weeks and mine stem from the overwhelming sense of responsibility for this little life we've brought into the world (what if i become ill and cant look after him, what if he becomes ill, ive stopped watching the walking dead because it makes me worry too much!). I feel physically wrecked and its hard knowing what is 'normal' aches and pains post partum so this is worrying me. Luckily (or unluckily) im no stranger to panic attacks or depression so ive learnt through counselling and a self help CD how to ride them out but they still scare the hell out of me at times. Its exactly as you describe and the fear of impending doom and death is very real (although unfounded in that i have panic attacks in safe, unthreatening situations like paying for my shopping!!) Im totally loving being a mummy and very content with my boy but i know im my heart that my depression iand panic attacks are back. Please talk to your HV, they can support you through this (and as i sit here crying i know that next tuesday i'll have to take my own advise!) Big hug hon!
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I had my daughter in December 09 and didn't start medication for PND until June 10! I never felt resentment for my daughter at all, but was all kinda shut away from hubby and my son - I was so depressed and full of resentment about the fact that I had had this lovely baby and was gonna have to go back to work in the September - couldn't face that thought - I think that's what triggered my feelings.

I would call and talk to your HV - they will probably come round and see you :)

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