After I posted yesterday about feeling like I was having a breakdown, things have seemed to have gotten even worse. I don't know if it's maybe because I hit rock bottom and emotionally let the flood gates open by finally admitting the way I feel yesterday to my hubby and GP and posting on here? I literally can't function today...I haven't eaten now in three days because I just can't handle physically putting anything in my mouth. I feel like I want to give up and feel like a failure to my little girl. My hubby called the GP this morning as I was totally unresponsive. She has said that the antidepressents will take 10 days to kick in but she's so concerned that she recommended that I go into hospital for a few days as the lack of food is going to make me really ill.
My hubby keeps asking me what I want to do but I just don't know...I can't think straight. He keeps begging me to eat, and i'm trying to explain that I want to but I physically can't. I'm really scared and worried and just don't know what to do for the best?
My hubby keeps asking me what I want to do but I just don't know...I can't think straight. He keeps begging me to eat, and i'm trying to explain that I want to but I physically can't. I'm really scared and worried and just don't know what to do for the best?