PND to an Not sure what to do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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After I posted yesterday about feeling like I was having a breakdown, things have seemed to have gotten even worse. I don't know if it's maybe because I hit rock bottom and emotionally let the flood gates open by finally admitting the way I feel yesterday to my hubby and GP and posting on here? I literally can't function today...I haven't eaten now in three days because I just can't handle physically putting anything in my mouth. I feel like I want to give up and feel like a failure to my little girl. My hubby called the GP this morning as I was totally unresponsive. She has said that the antidepressents will take 10 days to kick in but she's so concerned that she recommended that I go into hospital for a few days as the lack of food is going to make me really ill.

My hubby keeps asking me what I want to do but I just don't know...I can't think straight. He keeps begging me to eat, and i'm trying to explain that I want to but I physically can't. I'm really scared and worried and just don't know what to do for the best?
awww hun i feel for not sure on PND but may be if u feel this low then the recommendation from ur GP about having a few days in hospital..well may be that might help you as u will have the support on hand 24hrs and it will give u a break as well which is maybe what u need. ur octor is right the lack of food will make u ill and this will just add to ur problems and u just dont need that.

obviously the decision is urs but may be the hospital admision is what u need right does souind to me as if u are feeling very low at the moment..i really do hope u get back on track soon im thinking off u hun, i realy am..... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
some places have a mother and baby unit for PND so babe can stay with you and you will have help and support looking after her..... I worked on one once when I was a student and they are fab! speak to your GP and ask if there is one of these in your area :hug:
What do you feel you want to do? Go into hospital, that way you are taken care of and can relax


Have your hubby take him and your bubs away to a grandparents for a few days, leave you some space, maybe over a weekend


You go and stay with your parents for a weekend?

I know it sounds so cruel to say this but it may do you some good to be apart fom hubby and baby, just for a weekend, seems like you are exhausted, PND is very hard at times but with the right treatment/formula, you will be on the road to recovery.

Ladies, remember, it is not a bad thing to ask a friend/parent/family member to take bubs for a day away. We all need our clear space, one time or another.

Hope you feel better soon xx
I have worked on a similar unit too, and I would say that maybe you should take the advice and go. They are really supportive and maybe it would help to talk to others going through the same....good luck with whatever you decide hun :hug: :hug:
awww that's awful, I had PND after having Sam though not to your extent and I know how hard it can be to get through the day...

If you're feeling down now, you have a LONG way to go to tomorrow morning, I would recommend that if you haven't been in contact with anyone yet this afternoon to call your GP number & talk to your out fo hours GP whom should be able to help you out :hug:

Good luck & I hope you feel better soon & just want to finish by saying that although it feels awful at the moment, the good thing about PND is it doesn't last forever :hug: :hug: :hug:
you nered to talk to someone right now sweety

i found this perhaps talk to someone annonomusly.. and see what you can do?
anybody heard from KJL ?? or have any of u seen her on line ? im a bit worried now :think: may be she has gone into hospital....where eva u are hun i hope ur gettin the helkp you need and i hope ur okay - best wishes - thinking of you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
firstly :hug: :hug: :hug:

My OH works within the mental health industry and has come across PND, he works in a crisis centre/respite care place and had has had several ladies come in feeling the same way you have. He has told me in the past that if I ever had PND to such an extreme he would recommend I did the same. You get professional help, a break and also hubby and baby can come and visit.

My advice would be to go, it is your decision though but from my understanding it would be the best way to get the help you need.

You are very brave sharing this with everyone and you are certainly not a failure, only the strong can admit they need they in the help first place.

I only just saw this thread.

Anyone heard from KJL???

KJL, are you ok? I really feel for you so much. I wish there was something i could do. I'm going to PM you my mobile number in case you want to chat. I'm sure it's probably the last thing you feel like doing right now but, when you're up to it, it might help to talk to someone who's been through it and got better.

Thinking of you and hoping you're ok.
Lucyx :hug:
I only just saw this thread after someone was asking about you in off topic. I hope you are ok. I wish there was something I could do to take all this horrible crap away for you but you really will feel so much better once the medication starts to work :hug: You can ring me anytime if you want someone to talk to who is away from everything at home. I'll pm you my number :hug:
Aww hun.. I do hope your ok and getting some much needed help.. - quite worried actually... did she have a text buddy?? :think:
I've been thinking about you lots too KJL - hope you are okay lovely.

PM me anytime, I mean that.

Valentine Xxx

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