

New Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Hi, its been a long time since I was on this site and life has been very hectic since george was born over a year ago.

I was just wondering if anyone had been diagnosed with Post Natal Depression and how they are dealing with it. I have been given a prescription for Fluoxetine (Prozac) and I am really worried about taking them. I definitely want to feel better than I do, but it seems like a big step to put myself on drugs for a minimum of 6 months.

Does anyone else have any experience of this drug, or how they dealt with PND? I have been trying to deal with it since the birth but have only succeeded in making myself feel worse.

Would be very grateful for any suggestions or information you can give.

Jacq x
Hi i have been on Fluoxeitine for a long time . It's not something that will make you happy straight away. it takse a while to get into your system, 2 weeks i think, and can make you feel a bit unwell at first . Its not a lifechanging tablet ,and once you have started them you;ll know that there was nothing to be worried about. Some times i forget to take mine and it doesn't affect my day, they arnt like a happy pill that work straight away. You have nothing to loose by taking them, and after a while ur Dc will ween you off.
As for PND i found it better to concentrate on today only.Just take one day at a time,dont make plans for the week ahead as when it comes to them you might not feel like it, if today is a down day just try and concentrate on now. Tommorow is a different day x
Hi there,

I had PND when I had my first 5 years ago but at the time I could not take any meds so I agreed to have counselling which I found to be absolutely fantastic.

This year due to other goings on I was perscribed fluoxetine and I was ok on the 20mg a day, but then thought I was better and stopped taking them and after 2 weeks I spiralled into a depression. So def do not stop taking them without being weaned off.

Oh, unless of course you find out you are pregnant like I did and there was no way I was weaning off them then, I just didn't want to be taking them into my system and baby's but it's been 3 weeks now and my joy at the BFP has helped cop with coming off.

Good luck hun x
i have been on fluxatine for a while and they have really helped
Thank you for your replies - still have the tablets in my bag, unopened. Am thinking to go back to Doctor to see about the counselling. Am just very worried that the tablets may make me lose concentration which just isnt an option at the moment.

Thanks again though, I realise I am probably worrying for nothing xx

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