
Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i turned around and caught my tummy on a door handle earlier (its so big it got in the way i suppose) it hurt a bit and came up all bruised very quickly- i'm worried i'v hurt my baby! she's moved since i did it. here are the pics should i go hospital or am i panicking unnecessarily?


Hiya hun,

they do look red but I'm sure you didn't hurt the baby. I just think of how hard the GP/midwife presses during my check ups.

Was it a very hard knock? If the baby has moved since then I'm sure it's ok. If you're worried, I'd phone the delivery ward, or day assessment unit at your local hospital and explain what has happened.
I would give your midwife a call just to make sure... i'm sure you haven't hurt her :hug:
Don't forget your baby is cushioned by the amniotic fluid and if she has moved she is almost certainly ok. I also banged my tummy when I was pregnant and little man is ok. Call your midwife for reassurance though.
Believe me people do a lot worse when pregnant than walk into a door handle (I'm always walking into door frames lately but only seem to scrape my arms!! :roll: ) anyway people walk into doors, tables, they fall down stairs, end up in car accidents etc and mum might be hurt but little one is usually always ok swimming around in the fluids that are there to protect him/her from knocks, scrapes etc. Between your skin and baby there is a lot of other bits and pieces, I'm sure she's just fine. Call the midwife if your still anxious but I think that you have felt her move since is pretty much proof that she's just fine.

ouch looks like it hurt hun.
I am sure its okay but if your concerned maybe call your mw and see whats he says :hug:
i'm sure she if fine... but get check out if feel to be safe...

i've done that bump just gets in thw way

hope your ok hun :hug:
i done the3 same thing when i was pregnant i had a mark similer i called the MW as after 1 hour i felt no movement she was not concerned ans said give it a few more hours. baby kicked after another hour and every thing was fine

try not to worry :hug:
I'm sure your LO is just fine trixipaws, she's well protected in there, and still quite flexible for birth day, but if you're concerned phone your MW to discuss it with her :hug:
I did exactly the same and it really hurt. My bruise went down after about 3 days. The baby is surrounded with fluid to protect them. I'm sure your little one is fine.

Are the baby's movements still regular?

:hug: :hug:
thanx 4 all ur help & reassurance everyone! :hug:
my princess is still moving regularly and the redness has gone right down now, i'v just got a thin faint purpley line. it doesnt look half as worrying. i'll hav to be more careful! :roll:
Ow - that must have hurt. Sound slike your LO is fine though


Ow! It's so easy to bump into things when you have a bump! I'm sure, too, that your baby is so well protected that everything will be fine, but there's never any harm in asking for some reassurance if it helps.
Looks painful Trixipaws I hope you don't get a horrible bruise now. :(

It can be hard remembering we have the bump at times. I have almost burnt mine on the oven before now. :(
Hope you get sorted, I wouldn't know what to do either, I worry about every little thing though and probably forget how packed in the little one is, and that our bodies are made really well to cushion the bumps we have.

I would assume that you are ok if you've felt movements, but if movements stop or you get bleeding I would probably say something to the midwife. Or if you are worried then no harm in giving her a call anyways.

You have an awesome bump by the way :dance:

michelle x

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