please try help me ?! xx


Active Member
Feb 8, 2012
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Hi girls,

I am really needing some help here !

2 weeks ago I started getting really bad windy tummy, morning sickness, nausea, my boobs are like bricks, freezing yet my boyfriend couldn't lie next to me in bed cause I was boiling and cramping !
Saturday 04/02
Took two clear blue tests - both came back positive !
Took two Early Response ones - both came back positive !

Went to A+E because I was worried out my mind on the Monday morning !
Explained what had happened and try to work out when the first day of my last period was !
I had a 2 day bleed on 07/01, my periods are very irregular, so we used the 7th as my first day !
Put my on a drip for fluids cause I was very dehydrated and was being sick and not eating or drinking, took a urine sample off me and some bloods ! Nurse came back in with doc and told me my urine came back negative but explained the hospital test are not as sensitive as ones you can buy in the shops ! Waited for my bloods to come back and doc gave me anti-sickness straight into my vain. I took a panic attack and felt like I couldn't breathe !
Bloods came back and my hCG level was at 66 !
Was told to come back today to get my bloods checked again but he didn't seem very positive ! Went and got my bloods taken, been sitting at home patiently waiting for the call and they phoned !
My hCG has only increased to 75 and she said it looks as if the pregnancy has discontinued !
I have to go back in 7 days for another blood test !
My symptoms don't seem to be getting easier though, there getting worse !
I me & my fiancee wanted this baby so much, I'm blaming myself, I can't stop crying !

Is there a chance that when I go back in 7 days my hCG level may increase ?
Could I still be pregnant ?

So sorry to hear what you have been through, I personally can't help in this situation but didn't want to read and run xxxx

Fingers X'd its a sticky bean and hope you start to feel better soon xxxxxx

stay positive though..........everyone goes on about the power of positive thinking!! Keep smiling xxx
:hugs::hugs:So sorry to hear what you are going through I can't really offer an advice but didn't want to read and run.

Thinking about you Hun and I hope the little bean sticks xxxxxxxx
Okay here's a update girls,

I phoned the early pregnancy clinic this morning cause I needed answers, I'm driving myself insane here
Spoke to an amazing midwife who has confused me yet made me feel ten times better about the sitiuation, I asked her if there is still I chance I could be pregnant - she replied with yes! The woman that phoned me and basically told me my pregnancy had discountinued did not word what she was trying to explain properly and me being a young girl scared out my mind, waiting for the phone call all sday just want to get off the phoned and curl up in a ball ! The midwife said my levels can increase slowly but its not normal but I can still be pregnant, she wasn't going to rule it out ! I am only 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant so I am very early on and she advised me it is just a waiting game till wednesday ! It all depends on my bloods the are not ruling it out as they are still increasing ! She now has put me in for a vaginal scan and ultrasound to make sure everythings healthy in there and see if my bellybean is a sticky one FX
I'm still confused about the whole thing but much happier that there is still a chance as I have not passed any blood or had any pains ! Which could mean its still to come which I'm dreading, I hate going to the loo scared to look incase I'm bleeding My mans been really good support She told me to stay strong and just be carefull untill wednesday and if I have any pain or bleeding not te hesistate and go to A+E !!

Praying my bloods increase !

fingers x'd sarahjayne xxx Hope you get some answers soon xx When will you get an appointment for the vaginal scan and ultrasound? Will it be soon? Keep us posted xx
roll on Wednesday, you just need to keep smiling and stay positive through the weekend and it'll be here before you know it xx

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