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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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Hi all

Recently I have some very bad news, earlier this week my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer, luckly the dr's think that they have caught it early enough and that hopefully ( as long as it hasn't spread) she might just need to have an op to remove it and no chemo.

But as you can proberly guess my emotions are abit hit and miss at the mo, sometimes I am ok quite up and then the next minute I'm very teary and emotional.

I am still modding on the forum and will deffinatly be on here quite often (this place keeps me quite sane and you girls can normally make anyone laugh) but I think that if any of you have any problems to pm urchin or laura as I think they would beable to deal with it quicker and better at the moment then I can.

thanks girls
Suz Im so sorry to hear about your mum and my heart goes out to you all i just pray that your mum makes a full and speedy recovery Cancer is a cruel disease that touches too many lives. Thinking and preying for you and your family take care Suz :hug: :hug:

Thinking about you and praying heaps for your mum. Sadly my mother is terminally ill so I can relate to the feelings, up's and down's you might be experiencing. I have learned to cope in different ways so please PM me if you ever want to chat, it's a horrible time and I really do hope your Mum pulls through.

Nicola xx
Awww suz im so sorry to hear this i hope she will get well soon and il keeps my fingers crossed for you and you family if you want to talk im always on msn or most days anyway! -xxx- :hug:
I am so sorry hun, I have been there before so please PM anytiome you wanna chat.

S. xx
So sorry to hear your sad news, I will wish upon a star for your mom to make a healthy recovery......all the best to you and your family :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear ur mum has cancer hun, i hope she has a very speedy recovery :hug: :hug:
Im so sorry to hear about your mum suz!!
I hope she gets better soon!!
hugs for you all!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you all

My grandma died of cancer when I was 19 (and pregnant with callum), so it initially bought up those memory's.

I'm pretty hopefull that my mum with recover completely ( well I can only hope), I think it's just such a shock as lung cancer doesn't normally effect people untill they are abit older.

the type my mum has is Adenocarcinoma the dr said it isn't caused by smoking either as it developes in glandular organs.

normally people diagnosed with lung cancer are between the ages of 55-65 my mums only 44 :(

love and hugs to ur mum Suz, we all hope she gets better soon!! :hug: :hug:
sorry to hear of your troubles suz :hug: take care chick. :hug:
Thinking of you and your family hun, I hope your mum gets well soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Lots of hugs to you and your mom!! I wish her all the health and the best of luck!! Its very positive that they caught it so early hun :hug:
Sorry to read this, hope your mum's treatment goes really well :hug: Lots of love to both of you and your family :hug: :hug: :hug:
i'm so sorry to hear your sad news i'm sending wishes of a speedy recovery
I'm so sorry Suz.
Thinking of you and hoping your mum makes a good and quick recovery.

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