This was on la leche league
.It is by the grace of God that my son is not dead tonight. I went to the store with DS taking a nap. His legs were cold so I covered him with a light blanket. DH was cleaning up the living room. He said that he just had this sudden urge to check on DS. When he went in there the blanket was wrapped really tightly around his neck and head. He was flailing but not making a SINGLE NOISE. DH quickly unwrapped him and his lips were blue. He smacked him really hardly and made him cry. He started breathing.
He said he just held him so close and cried. I fully believe that it was the Holy Spirit that told my husband to go check on him. I cannot wrap my mind around why the hell I put a blanket in the bed with him, I know better than that. It blows my mind beyond comprehension to think that a few more minutes and my son would not have made it. I shudder at the thought. I've finally stopped crying (though the guilt won't go away for a while) and just wanted to send a reminder. Don't put your LO's down to bed with a blanket until they are old enough to sit up I guess. He can roll over and I didn't think it was a problem.
Just be careful. Please