Please help


Sep 30, 2008
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ive just found out im pregnant working out from the last time i slept with someone to now il roughly be 8 weeks. im 20 and at the age now where im enjoying going out with mates meaning ive consumed quite abit of alcohol within this 8 weeks and it scares me to think i may have done some damage to the babies development? i cant help but kick myself because im on the pill but i had a suspicion i could have been pregnant about 5 weeks ago when i came off my pill and never had a period my friend said it was normal to miss aperiod on the pill so i just put it down to that.

i havent got much of a bump yet but there is one starting to form is this normal? as ive looked at people bump pics and some of yous were huge at 8 weeks :shock: the dad is actuallyamate of mine and really dont know how he'd react because hes like me going out and enjoying being young!

im scarred to tell my parents as my mum keeps saying to me if i ever come home pregnant before im 25 she'll disown me :? my dad however last week asked me if i was pregnant when i came down the stairs wearing a skin tight dress to go out drinking i thought i was just getting fat and took his comment offensive but after talking with myfriend who has 2 kids she urged me to do a test.... glad i did now though!

im scared and confused i always said id get an abortion if i got pregnant young but now its happened i couldnt put myself through it.

ive also in the first 6 weeks i was living on paracetamol as i suffered from headaches and toothache.

i guess my big question here is what damage may have been done to the baby with all the alcohol and paracetamol ive consumed? im really worried :(
:wave: Hi
Try not too worry, paracetamol is safe to take during pregnancy. As for the alcohol.... a good school friend of mine (18 at the time) didn't know she was pregnant until she was in labour. She was wearing her size 8 jeans as she went into hospital!! (she was in the sun news paper!!) but she smoked drank and partied her whole way through her pregancy. Not saying thats what you should do, but her healthy little girl started secondary school last week! As long as you start to take care of yourself now. Get to tesco's and buy some Folic acid and start taking it at asap. You will also need to make an appointent with your GP.
You parent's will probably find it a huge shock, but if there first reaction in a bad one then just bear wih them. They may just need a bit of time to come round.
As for the dad :rotfl: again, it probably going to be a big shock.

Good luck, everyone on here is great, so ask as may questions as you want, and we'll all do our best to help xxx
I must say i am loving my boobs :shock: i thought they jus got bigger from the extra homones the pill was giving me :lol: im going to speak to my GP asap and then break it to my parents i think if i drag my mum to the first scan she'll fall in love and except it. In away im happy ive become pregnant now as cevical cancer is something thats effected all the woman in my family and has often hit them at around 27 i was always scarred that id leave having kids to late and get cervical cancer before i had a chance to become a mum.

I'm glad that my alcoholism in teh last 8 weeks hopefully wouldnt of done much damage :D
Worrying about it will probably do more damage. Saying that though, don't drink anymore and def get some pregnancy vitamins from the supermarket/chemist.

I know what you mean about the boobs! I'm loving the look of mine as I'm usually a B cup but am now a C-D, but they are currently painful as hell, like two big (well not massive :lol: ) bruises on my front. Only started to hurt at about 8-9 weeks, but at least they look good!

OH likes them too but no way is he allowed to touch - ow!

Good luck telling your folks, I'm sure after the initial shock they'll come round... x
jezzzz reading your post that could almost have been me writing it when i first found out! (excpet for the fact youre still mates with the dad)

dont worry!! i drank coffee, alcohol and took ibuprofen, did stupid things like body boarding and playing the idiot with a group of mates when camping, i didnt find out till i was 7 weeks gone, had my 12 week scan 2 weeks ago and everythings just fine so far. as the others have said get some folic acid.

just stop drinking now you know, and get booked in to see your gp/midwife

as for telling your parents ... its a massive shock for them! in fact 7 weeks after my mum found out shes still not really all that pleased with me, she made me go to the hospital to terminate it, but i couldnt go through with it. my dad on the other hand is so excited! he cant wait to be a grandad!!

welcome to the site by the way!

I think your going through all the feelings that women do when they find out they are pregnant. I think that your mum will be fine but do prepare yourself for her to feel a little shocked and that might come accross as anger, she might even say some hurtful things and suggest you terminate, remember its just the shock talking! But on the other hand she might be very supportive from the word go!

Your not a schoolgirl and i certainly think that at age 20 you can cope with motherhood and your parents will absolutely adore your little one! I would perhaps tell the father first before your parents because you need to know where you are going to stand, if he wants to be a father or not, then you can answer your parents questions...they are bound to be asking you all sorts!

Make sure you look after yourself, the alcohol and pain killers are unlikely to cause any problems, just make sure you get some folic acid from the chemist to take everyday.

enjoy your pregnancy!!!!
Firstly congratulations on being pregnant! It must have come as a complete shock to you. Like you I've spent the last year partying and going out every weekend spending way too much money on alcohol and going clubbing in London 'til 7am on a Saturday morning lol! When I found out I was pregnant I'd been drinking heavily and smoking 15-20 cigarettes a day, taking ibuprofen for what I thought were headaches and cramps due to period coming on! I think if you stop all of that now, start taking your folic acid every day and looking after yourself you should be ok. You can't help what you did if you didn't know you were pregnant. As for the dad, you will need to tell him at some point and he will probably be just as shocked as you, but he'll come around once he gets used to the idea :)
aww thankyou for all your replies

dont worry im deffinatly staying off the drink! going to break the news to the dad over the weekend :shock: that should be fun :doh:

also im abit confused why everyones telling me to get folic acid tablets? what do they do for the baby... sorry im just abit slow :oops:
Hey hun,
your situation is almost the same as mine except I am with and have been with the father for 3 years. It is really hard telling your parents when you get pregnant young (I'm 18, 19 in a few days) but they do learn to accept it. You think they will over react but 9/10 they are okay. My mum was really happy when I told her however it took a few weeks for my dad to come around as he realised I wasnt his precious little girl anymore, but dont worry hun everything will be okay. If you need to talk or need any advice on how to break the news to them your welcome to PM me, i will try to help to my best ability.

Yep.. the drinking situation was exactly the same as mine. I found out on the wednesday but the saturday before hand i went out and got absolutely bladdered and I was scared but most women have done the same and then found out they are pregnant and have been fine.

What you need to do now is telephone your doctors and make an appointment with your midwife. She will pregnancy test you & fill out some forms and send them off to the materinity unit, then they will contact you to make an appointment for your booking appointment.

Folic Acid is just a vitamin which pregnant women or women trying to concieve take. Im not sure what it exactly does but I think it helps with the development of the baby & the babys bones (not sure what it does to women trying to concieve though lol)

Everything will be fine, just stop worrying at the end of the day your 20 years old and your parents are gonna have to accept sooner or later that your not their little girl anymore. Like i said if you need anyone to talk to etc your welcome to PM me or add me on msn [email protected]

Take care & good luck hun xx
Don't have time for a long reply but wanted to say go get some folic acid tablets to start taking asap (meant to take them till the 12 th week of pregnancy at least) and if I were you I'd go and discuss your concerns about possible damage with your GP asap. No one can tell you for sure what may or may not have happened so I'd go hear about it all from someone with medical training who actually knows about this stuff.

Folic acid is important for babies development. Click this link and read why ... icleId=913

Don't eat liver though. Or anything else with a high vitamin A content such as pate etc. Might be worth your while to do some reading on foods to avoid etc now.

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