Please help!!!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hi everyone, please can I have some advise this is all I have thought about all day.

I came off the mini pill a couple of months ago and had my first period 28 days ago. I had sex about 3 times in my fertile week (not enough I know!) I thought I would be due on today but nothing. I "think" I have little tummmy craps like I'm going to come on but I'm not sure if it's in my head or not as I really don't want to come on.

I suppose I think I will be lucky and get preg straight away as my friend got preg twice after her first period when coming off the mini pill.

If I have not come on by Friday I will test and see what happens.

I feel fine no sickness just slightly tender boobs. Not sure what the signs are as I have never done all this before lol

Any advise would be fab

Thanks pops x
Hi Poppy!

If you're late and feeling a couple of symptoms then you're in with a good chance.

I'd suggest testing tomorrow or Griday morning with your first morning urine and see what the test says. Some of the girls on here are experts in terms of the types of early response tests, apparently Tesco do an own brand early test which is cheap and good so that may be worth a try.

Very best of luck and hopefully if you get a BFP then you'll bring us all luck too!

Thanks for your reply. I will test Friday morning if af hasn't come by then. I have the tests on stand by!! X
fx for you poppy, the only thing you can do now is test. Friday does sound like a good day to test, so good luck xx
I keep feeling cramps but I think I am making them worse as I keep worrying! My first proper month of ttc and it's hard work!! Keep your fingers crossed for Friday. Thanks so much for your kind replys x
Hey :)
When i came off the pill, i came on regulare as clock work, but i started to get all the symptoms you would get if you were pregnant (which i wasnt) i mean i got sore boobs, weird pains in my belly which i never felt before, feeling really sick, emotional, craving strange things, but about a week later i came on, now every time im coming on i get all these bloody signs, which is really annoying and upsetting considering we're trying lol. but i dont think i test would work yet? i think you would have to wait maybe till next friday, but hey im no expert :)

good luck with everything, let us no what happens :) xx
Friday came, I thought I will test sat morning.... And well af arrived Friday afternoon!! Grrrrn
that really sucks...

good luck for next cycle though :dust:

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