Please Help! :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Sorry if im over reacting and if its TMI but im really worried at the moment as when i go to the toilet for No1 or even No2 i feel a stretching/pressure sensation like my fannys :oops: gonna tear its really worrying me as i mentioned it to my Mum and she said it could just be the pressure of the baby but when i looked this up on the internet it said 'Occasionally, pressure can be a sign of premature dilation of the cervix or preterm labor' this could be nothing and it does say occasionally.
I know not to believe everything you read on the internet so thought i would ask you guys if you could help me on this matter before I get myslef even more worked up this normal or something that i need to get sorted?

I've tried my midwife but as i dont have her personal number my docs wont put me through to her as she has other patients to deal with :evil:

Sorry for long post
phone the labour suite puddles and ask for advice . they are alwasy happy to help

Imsure all is ok but get your mind set at ease
I would double check too hun with labour suite. They are always very helpful and happy to offer advice. i'm sure it's nothing though babe xx
Thanks everyone!

I'm realli crap at speaking on the telephone as i go all shy and start stuttering lol and embarrass myself bigtime so i think i'll give calling the labour ppl a miss as i would feel so stupid if its nothing anyway...i'll just have to try and wait untill my next midwifes appointment.

Thanks tho guys

oh well its up to you. but i would advise callin the hospital.
What about ringing your midwife, or, you could ring your GP surgery and ask for a doctor to ring you back saying it's an emergency?
Yeah best to get these things checked out, good luck puddles xxx
Id ring the labour suite or your midwife. theyd rather you ring them if its really worrying you.No matter what it is!

Hope you are ok!

lisa x
hey hun could ur OH ring for u i know wot u mean bout being worried about using fones but if ur inpain its best to check both u n bubs r ok
are you ok puddles?

the nurses on labour suite hear all sorts of things you know. don't be afraid to phone.
Hey Everyone,

Well haven't been able to get hold of my midwife as i don't have her own private number and my next appointment isn't untill the 27th June so i called my docs and have been able to get a quick appointment for Monday...thanks for your help.

Feel a bit selfish as i'm the type of person who would rather be in pain than ring people and embarrass myself but you've all made me realise that its not just me to think bout here and its better to sort it out than be in pain.

So thankyou

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