please help me!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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i woke up this morning and the first three fingers on my right hand were quite numb with a shooting pain going up and down my right arm, very painful, i moved it for about 10 mins and it went away but minutes later it came back, can anyone tell me what they think it could be please?? shud i go and tell my midwife or am i being silly:(
Sounds like Carpel Tunnel hun, dont worry its not pleasant but its nothing to worry about. i had exactly what you describe and i know it can be pretty painful. its casued by water retention. the fluid presses on the nerve in your wrists, i only had it in one hand as well.

speak to your midwife just to be sure this is what it is and also to see what they suggest.

make sure you drink loads (i'm really bad at this) as that really helps if you retain water.

there was a thread in wither this section or the third tri about this which may have some more advice.

take care

em x
thankyou so much i am glad you could help me:)
i have this.... it's called carpel tunnel syndrome... it's just another pregnancy symptom we have to put up with... mine started with pins and needles in my right hand... it would wake me up in the nite.. by the morning my hand would still be pretty sore but it would ease up by mid day.. it only gets worse - sorry! i get it every nite - some worse than others... and my hand it sore all day now.. its kind of weak now due to weeks of pins n needles... i struggle opening a bottle or carrying anything heavy (a cup of tea is classed as heavy) but don't worry its not agony!!! i spoke to my GP about it and he refered me to the hospital where they gave me 2 hand brases.. they help a little but don't stop the pins n needles totally -you get used to your fingers being numb... its as EM78 said - due to water retention in your wrists bloking a nerve - try not to close your hand when sleeping or bend your wrist. I used to sleep wth my hands in a fist under my chin - this makes it worse.. try sleeping with your arm straight and your hand open.. speak to your midwife and see if she can get you some of these hand brases - they stop you bending your wrist...
I have that too but only in the morning on my right hand its very annoying and painfull.

i havent had it since yesyerday but my had is very painfull now, i can only just turn the door handle with it:( boo hoo, its all worth it though for my LO
This may sound nuts, but accupuncture has been known to help the symptoms of carpel tunnel drastically, and it's safe to do durring prenancy! Maybe something to look into if your symptoms start to get in the way of life in a serious way. :D
couldn't it simply have been pins and needles? :?
well it wasnt just pins and needles that i got. My whole hand went numb too and i had a shooting pain going from my hand to my elbow, my doctor told me it was water retension pushing on the nerve in my wrist.
How is it now hun?

mine used to come and go quite a bit. and eventuatlly went before i had alex.

Its so horrid isnt it? you go to do something and it just sends awful sharp pains of your arm andthen goes numb and tingly for hours, sometimes all day (unless you try to do anything else grippy and then you get the pains again). :(

much as i loved being pregnant i really dont miss things like this but i think you just get on with it at the time dont you?

hope its not too bad now sweetie


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