Please help me decide :-)


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
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Really struggling between two names for lo. Hubby likes one and I like the other.... our lg is called Lydia and our surname begins with P.

April Thea (might decide on a different middle name if use April for 1st)
Thea April

Thoughts anyone?
I'm not too keen on April so would say Thea, it's unusual and pretty :) xx
If your surname begins with P, then Thea April would spell TAP, so I'd go with April Thea.
Nice names though! :)
April Thea sounds more catchy to me!! Xx
I prefer Thea over April as a first name, but like firstfreakout says, her initials would then be TAP.
Ooh I think I can help here!

My name is April and I Hate it! Sorry! And I was born in February and people always laugh when I tell them, and from your ticker your baby won't have being born then to fall back on. In the playground people used to call me all the months of the year taking the mick. One of my best friends calls me June but that's alright because we have our own nicknames for each other and we're good friends! I hate having a name that nobody else has but that's probably just me being picky. I always felt a bit left out when I was little that the only time I would get my name on something was on a calendar!

I would definitely vote Thea :) xx
Thanks for your very personal insight April. If it helps I love your name :)
The month she would be born in was a big factor for us but we decided if we liked it enough it didn't matter. My maiden name was like that and I would get called all the alternative names bar my actual one, but it really didn't bother me. However I am also very glad I have a new last name which I love.

We have actually decided we really like the name Luna so this will also be in the running. X
Sorry, I hope that didn't come across as rude or anything haha! My Mam named my older sister Alexis and I much prefer her name to my own ha. So she went with 2 'out there' A names. Xx
No not at all 😊 I really appreciate your comments and most definitely did not come across rude. Just finding it so hard because I love my DDs name so much I don't know if I can find one I love just as much. I'm sure whatever we choose we will grow to love it.
That's such a shame you prefer your sisters name to your own. I wouldn't want any of my sisters names lol x

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