Please help - CT Scan - High risk?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Hiya ladies,

I'm looking for some advice, as some of you know i've been TTC since Jan but came off the depo on 22nd december.

I have to have a CT scan on Friday 23rd Jan due to a scan showing a shadow on my kidney. On the letter i recieved today it says that they can only do CT scans for women "up to 10 days from the start of a period" due to risk of harming a baby if pregnant.

Thing is i haven't had a period yet and don't know when i'll get one and don't know what to do!! It says to call them on Monday to ask about it if any quiries but i wanted to ask you lot first!

There isn't much chance of me being preg / finding out that i am by next Friday? is there? (Have a look at my chart if that helps)

What do you think i should do? x
I'm afraid it's impossible to tell from your chart because there's no info on there about cm or cp. All I can say is that you probably haven't ovulated yet, but I don't know when you're likely to. Do you have the cm/cp info for the last few days?
No, sorry as if honest still dnt understand what i'm looking for! :oops:
I'm doing OPK's everyday....all negative (will update it for today)
Shall i just call them on monday and see what they say about it? - I can't see me being or getting preg before then so i can't see any risk??
Well hon, I think probably your kidney health overrides everything, and since you only just came off the depo shot not even a month ago, it's likely that your cycle will be a long one. I say have the scan. If you see that you've ovulated sometime before then, maybe see if you can push it back until after your testing date. Sorry I can't be more helpful! :hug:
melissa5317 said:
Well hon, I think probably your kidney health overrides everything, and since you only just came off the depo shot not even a month ago, it's likely that your cycle will be a long one. I say have the scan. If you see that you've ovulated sometime before then, maybe see if you can push it back until after your testing date. Sorry I can't be more helpful! :hug:

i have to agree with melissa on this one, good luck with it xxx
I agree with everyone else. Your health comes first hun. I hope all goes ok :hug:

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