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Hope he doesn't keep you waiting too long but i guess he must just be extra comfy where he is :) Good luck for when things start to happen!!! xxxx
thankyou alll!! MW thursday, i will keep you all updated!! sooo scared yet sooo excited!! can't believe how quick it's gone. my OH has gone all gooey eyed with baby clothes.. well.. we both have! need to stay away from the shops :oops: xxxx
hehe I know the feeling!! Good luck for when the big day finally comes!! Not long now! x
Awww good luck i hope he comes soon. its gone really quick. x
Cant believe you are 1 day away from your due date! How quick has that gone?! I am so so excited for you Ria :):) You will be brilliant.. Such an amazing thing :) Can't wait to see little Riley xx

Oh and I had Odhrán picked from 8 weeks pregnant! And was like I'm gonna see him and he won't look like an Odhrán and I don't have another name! :lol: But once I seen him I just knew! And because my heart was so set on the name.. I think your LO will be Riley :) xx
lol LM! knowing my luck i'll be on the toilet and find a Riley in the loo :rofl: ooo if things were that simple! xxx

I went for a poop and an ella dropped into the toilet instead :lol:

lol!! wow i hope that happens to me!! was she early or late?

and febmum2be i LOVE your avatar, such a cute picture!!! i think you're right about Riley.. and Odhrán is such a lovely name. what made you think of it? i think i decided on Riley round about the same time.. but i don't have a clue how i came up with it! just said it and loved it since haha.

thankyou everyone. i can't believe i'm due tomorrow!!! no niggles yet :( i'm a bit swollen down below though so will mention this to MW thurs!! xxxxxxxx
Do you know if his heads started to engage? Oooo how exciting!!! I hope he doent keep you waiting too much longer xxx
Happy due date Ria x

I am ready and waiting for updates, it's very exciting being a text buddy. Hope you're doing ok x
happpyyy duuee date!! :) no sign of his head engaging yet :( and no signs of him making a surprise appearance!! made sure i got opera mini for my blackberry though so the internet works properly, lol, not the most important thing but ye know ;) bit of a tech head hehe.

i am excited for you being my text buddy too katie! :D

will let you all know what's happening.. i've not even had anyyyy pains.. YET. don't want to jinx it.. (think i already have eeee)

no long for you either Meeah!! anymore niggles?? xxx
Ooo I hope you get to feel more niggles soon Meeah! Xxx
Oh wow, I can't believe it's due date for you already Ria, hope the little man doesn't keep you waiting too long! I'll be thread stalking for sure!!! :hug:
She came bang on time ria, so there's still hope! Hope he doesn't have you waiting too long xx
4 hours to go!! i'm guessing not much is gonna be happening today that's for sure hehe! i got my ball now though so been bouncing this week.. had SOOOO many takeaways though i'm disgusted in myself lol. thankyou everyone. i just want to meet him :O!! xxx
lol:( i'm trying, feel so guilty though!! don't have the effort to cook lol :oops: xx

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